Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Family Support, Pupil Wellbeing and early help

We are lucky here at Rosegrove Nursery School to have a Pupil Well Being Support Practitioner, Jackie Clarey, who works at the nursery for three days each week.  Jackie is able to offer support for you and your family to help with any area of child development and parenting. 

The nursery will signpost, and work with other outside agencies who can support you and your family within your home . 

If you wish to talk to Jackie, please contact the school office.

Supporting Children Starting School

helpingmychildgetreadyforstartingschool2020.pdf .pdf
Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Family Support, Pupil Wellbeing and early help

We are lucky here at Rosegrove Nursery School to have a Pupil Well Being Support Practitioner, Jackie Clarey, who works at the nursery for three days each week.  Jackie is able to offer support for you and your family to help with any area of child development and parenting. 

The nursery will signpost, and work with other outside agencies who can support you and your family within your home . 

If you wish to talk to Jackie, please contact the school office.

Supporting Children Starting School

helpingmychildgetreadyforstartingschool2020.pdf .pdf
Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Family Support, Pupil Wellbeing and early help

We are lucky here at Rosegrove Nursery School to have a Pupil Well Being Support Practitioner, Jackie Clarey, who works at the nursery for three days each week.  Jackie is able to offer support for you and your family to help with any area of child development and parenting. 

The nursery will signpost, and work with other outside agencies who can support you and your family within your home . 

If you wish to talk to Jackie, please contact the school office.

Supporting Children Starting School

helpingmychildgetreadyforstartingschool2020.pdf .pdf