Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Woodland ...

Forest school is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self esteem through hands on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment.

The Robins Nest
Our new outdoor classroom - an amazing place to learn

Autumn Time ... 
Today in Forest school we made Autumn collages, we did this by collecting leaves, twigs, berries and pine cones ...

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Making bird feeders ... 
This week in forest school we have been focusing on birds in the winter. We talked about cold weather and how the birds may find it difficult to find food, therefore we decided to make bird feeders and we hung them up in forest school.

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Making bird nests ...This week in forest school we are continuing to think about birds, we collected leaves and twigs to make bird nests.

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Birds ... 
This week in forest school we are carrying on with the bird theme after making birds nests and going on lots of bird hunts we are making our own birds using clay, twigs and feathers ...

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Woodland animals ...
This week in forest school we have been thinking about animals that live in the forest, we found out more information about the animals natural habitats and we had a go at re- creating them ...

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Den making ... 
Following on from creating habitats for woodland animals, this week we are making dens for ourselves ...

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Making a campfire ... (12-14th March)
This week in forest school we have been learning how to make a campfire, we then toasted marshmellows, they tasted yummy!

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Spring Time ... 
For the next couple of weeks we are thinking about Spring, We have been busy planting seeds, hopefully they will grow into vegetables and beautiful flowers!

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Having fun in the forest ...
This week we have been working together to share our thoughts and ideas to make forest school a much more exciting place, after lots of discussions we decided that a swing would be a brilliant idea, so we put our team working skills to the test ...

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Tadpoles ... 
This week we have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog. Jess brought in some tadpoles for us to have a look at. We are all excited to learn lots about them ...

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This week in the forest we have been ... 
Spending time in the workshop, using different tools and getting creative. We have also been tasting some of the vegetables from our veg patch.

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Tree boglets ... 
Today in the forest we have been making tree boglets out of clay. We used pine cones, leaves, flowers and twigs to make the boglets facial features.

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Tadpole update ... 
We have been observing the tadpoles and they are changing everyday, they are getting bigger and they now have two back legs! We have been helping them to grow by feeding them fish food and vegetables from our veg patch.

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Hot Dogs ... This week in forest school we have been making hot dogs on a camping stove, they tasted yummy!

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We have froglets! 
The tadpoles have finally changed into frogs, we have enjoyed watching them change and learning lots about them! We are going to release them into the canal near Nursery ...

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Goodbye froglets ... 
We hope you come and visit us soon!

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Exploring Forest School ... 

We have had lots of fun introducing Forest School to the new children. They couldn't wait to explore everything!

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Spiders ... 
This week in forest school we have been learning lots about spiders, we went on a spider hunt and we found lots of spider webs! We also made our own spiders out of clay.

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Spider webs ... 
This week in the forest we have been attempting to make our own giant spider webs by threading ribbon through the willow.

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Spooky fun ... 
This week in the forest we are going to be joining in with lots of Halloween activities, Today we enjoyed hammering nails into pumpkins, squash and swede. We also made spooky faces in play dough using conkers, pine cones and twigs ...

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Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ... 

Today we all worked together to help make a scarecrow. We used garden stakes, old clothes and shoes, a little imagination and a hammer. We think the scarecrow is going to really enjoy his time with us!

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Autumn pictures ..
This week we have been collecting Autumn leaves and taking rubbings from them we have also been learning how to whittle wood ...

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Autumn mobiles ...
We have enjoyed learning how to make 'autumn mobiles'. We made the mobiles using twigs, string, pine cones and leaves ...

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Toasting Marshmallows ... 
Today we enjoy learning how to make a camp fire and how to toast marshmallows, they tasted yummy!

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Making bird feeders ... 
This week we have been thinking about birds in winter. We made bird feeders using lard and seeds and we also thread cheerio cereal onto pipe cleaners, we hung them on the trees for the birds.

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Toast and marshmallows ... 

Today we had a brilliant time in the forest, we learn't how to make a fire, and how to toast bread and marshmallows. They tasted yummy!

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Hot dogs ...

Today we learnt how to use a camping stove and how to make hot dogs ...

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Testing out our problem solving skills ... 
This afternoon we had lots of fun climbing trees! We put our problem solving skills to the test as we had to work out how to climb up and get back down safely.

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Making hot chocolate ... 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make hot chocolate on a camping stove.

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Making homes for hedgehogs ... 

This week we have been listening to a story called 'The hedgehog's balloon' by Nick Butterworth. We have been learning lots about hedgehogs,and we have been busy with lots of 'hedgehog' activities. Today in the forest we collected lots of leaves, twigs and pine cones to make a home for a hedgehog ...

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Hot dogs anyone? 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make hot dogs on a camping stove. They tasted delicious!

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Autumn time ... 

Today in the forest we enjoyed going on an 'autumn 'walk, we spotted lots of signs that autumn is here! There were so many leaves ... big ones, small ones, red, brown, orange and yellow ones! We collected some of them and we used them to make an autumn crown ...

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Toasted Marshmallows ... 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make a camp fire and toast marshmallows. We could see the marshmallows changing colour and shape as they were toasting on the fire. We ate them whilst drinking hot chocolate ... yummy!

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Have you seen the Gruffalo? 

Today in the forest we went on a Gruffalo hunt. We came across the fox who was hiding in his underground house, the owl who was in her tree top house and the snake was tucked away in his log pile house! And then we spotted the GRUFFALO! He had terrible tusks, terrible claws, terrible teeth and terrible jaws, knobbly knees and turned out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose, his eyes were orange  his tongue was black and he had purple prickles all over his back!
But don't you know there is no such thing as a Gruffalo!

We also enjoyed cooking up Gruffalo feasts in the mud kitchen ... Owl ice-cream anyone?

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Look at our amazing Gruffalo's ... 

This week in the forest we made Gruffalo models out of clay. We used pine cones, leaves and twigs to make the Gruffalo's terrible tusks, terrible, claws and terrible teeth ...

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Jam on toast ... 

Today in the forest we learn't how to toast bread on the campfire. Some of us thought that it was the best toast that we had ever tasted!

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Getting creative in the forest ...
In forest school we made our own 'natural' paint brushes using leaves, branches, flowers and pine cones. We enjoyed using these to create some amazing patterns!

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Getting Festive in the forest ... 

Today in the forest we made our own Christmas decorations, using twigs, leaves and pine cones. We used the decorations to decorate a tree. Look how amazing it looks!

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Looking out for the birds ... 
This week in the forest we have been thinking about the birds in winter. The ground in winter is too hard for the birds to dig for worms, and caterpillars, aphids, beetles and grubs stay well hidden. These factors combined with the limited hours of light in which birds can actively search for food can cause them to be very vulnerable, so we thought we would give our feathered friends a helping hand by making them lots of tasty snacks ...

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Welcome to our updated bug hotel ...

Now that it is nearly spring we decided to revamp our bug hotel. We added lots of natural materials such as pine cones, straw and twigs so that the bugs have lots of places to hide in.
Having a bug hotel is a good way for us to learn lots about the natural world around us. Insects need somewhere safe to live which why it is important to build a bug hotel.
We are looking forward to welcoming lots of creepy crawlies!

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Welcome to our vegetable, fruit & herb garden ... 

Over the past few weeks we have been busy planting seeds, beans, potatoes and plants to create our very own Vegetable garden. We have been learning lots about how different fruits & vegetables grow and how you take care of them. We are looking forward to watching them grow and best of all eating them!

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Supertato ... 

After listening to The SUPERTATO story we all turned into superheroes , we went on a vegetable hunt, Our mission was to rescue the vegetables from the evil pea!  We had to use our super strong muscles to dig them up ...

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Toasting marshmallows ...  

After school club invited us to join them in forest school to have hot chocolate and to toast marshmallows on a camp fire. We all had an amazing time, the marshmallows tasted delicious!

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Making bird feeders … 

We have been thinking about the birds in winter, winter time is especially challenging for them because everything is so cold and icy! So we decided to give them a helping hand and make them some fat balls using lard and bird seed. We then hung them up in the trees …

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Making Christmas decorations…

We have been busy making Christmas decorations using natural materials from the forest…

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We enjoyed picking apples and pears from the apple and pear trees that we have in the fairy garden. Then we all tasted them. They tasted very juicy and crunchy!

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Making patterns ...

We had lots of fun collecting berries, leaves, and herbs from the garden. We then used these to make prints. We did this by placing the leaves, berries etc. onto a piece of material and then we covered it over and used a hammer to squash everything together! The patterns looked amazing!

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Getting spooky in the forest ...

We have enjoyed getting creative in the forest, we enjoyed making magic potions and hammering golf tee's into pumpkins!  

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Making food for the birds ... 

Now that winter is fast approaching we have been thinking about the birds. Birds find finding food more difficult in winter because everything is so cold and icy! So to help them we made lots of 'fat balls' containing lard and bird seeds. We placed them on the bird table, we hung them from trees and we put them up high on top of the fence posts. We then sat quietly and we watched the birds while they tucked into them. We saw wood pigeons, robins and lots of magpies  ...

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The new improved forest school ...

Everyone is really excited about getting back into forest school. We have had lots of improvements done, we now have a new shed called 'The Robin's nest'. It's so much bigger than the old one, we are really looking forward to spending lots of time in there doing lots of fun forest activities and we also have a new green house. We are really looking forward to developing an allotment area for everyone to use. This space will teach us about growing food and caring for the environment.

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Planting sunflower seeds ...

This week in forest school everyone has been planting sunflower seeds. We are looking forward to taking them home and watching them grow ...

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Exploring fruit & vegetables ...
When we went to play in the mud kitchen today we discovered lots of different fruit & Vegetables. We had lots of fun attempting to chop some of them up, the most difficult was the spiky pine apple!

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The colour monster goes to forest school ...

We have enjoyed listening to 'The colour Monster goes to school' story in phonics so we decided to take him up to forest school! We searched for different colours in the environment such as leaves and flowers and we used these to make patterns. We placed the leaves, flowers etc. onto a piece of material and then we placed another piece of material over the top and then we used a hammer and we banged over the top of it. When we removed the cloth we discovered a pretty colourful pattern ...

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Welcome to our new allotment area ...

We now have an allotment area at the top of the Nursery garden. The allotment contains a greenhouse and large planters. We are all really excited about growing lots different fruit and vegetables. At the moment we are growing chives, carrots, corn on the cob, potatoes and strawberries. 

This allotment will help children gain a deeper understanding of where their food comes from especially when they are involved in the growing process.
By planting seeds themselves and taking responsibilty for the crops grown in the allotment children are excited to harvest them and even more excited to eat them!

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Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Woodland ...

Forest school is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self esteem through hands on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment.

The Robins Nest
Our new outdoor classroom - an amazing place to learn

Autumn Time ... 
Today in Forest school we made Autumn collages, we did this by collecting leaves, twigs, berries and pine cones ...

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Making bird feeders ... 
This week in forest school we have been focusing on birds in the winter. We talked about cold weather and how the birds may find it difficult to find food, therefore we decided to make bird feeders and we hung them up in forest school.

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Making bird nests ...This week in forest school we are continuing to think about birds, we collected leaves and twigs to make bird nests.

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Birds ... 
This week in forest school we are carrying on with the bird theme after making birds nests and going on lots of bird hunts we are making our own birds using clay, twigs and feathers ...

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Woodland animals ...
This week in forest school we have been thinking about animals that live in the forest, we found out more information about the animals natural habitats and we had a go at re- creating them ...

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Den making ... 
Following on from creating habitats for woodland animals, this week we are making dens for ourselves ...

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Making a campfire ... (12-14th March)
This week in forest school we have been learning how to make a campfire, we then toasted marshmellows, they tasted yummy!

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Spring Time ... 
For the next couple of weeks we are thinking about Spring, We have been busy planting seeds, hopefully they will grow into vegetables and beautiful flowers!

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Having fun in the forest ...
This week we have been working together to share our thoughts and ideas to make forest school a much more exciting place, after lots of discussions we decided that a swing would be a brilliant idea, so we put our team working skills to the test ...

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Tadpoles ... 
This week we have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog. Jess brought in some tadpoles for us to have a look at. We are all excited to learn lots about them ...

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This week in the forest we have been ... 
Spending time in the workshop, using different tools and getting creative. We have also been tasting some of the vegetables from our veg patch.

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Tree boglets ... 
Today in the forest we have been making tree boglets out of clay. We used pine cones, leaves, flowers and twigs to make the boglets facial features.

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Tadpole update ... 
We have been observing the tadpoles and they are changing everyday, they are getting bigger and they now have two back legs! We have been helping them to grow by feeding them fish food and vegetables from our veg patch.

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Hot Dogs ... This week in forest school we have been making hot dogs on a camping stove, they tasted yummy!

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We have froglets! 
The tadpoles have finally changed into frogs, we have enjoyed watching them change and learning lots about them! We are going to release them into the canal near Nursery ...

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Goodbye froglets ... 
We hope you come and visit us soon!

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Exploring Forest School ... 

We have had lots of fun introducing Forest School to the new children. They couldn't wait to explore everything!

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Spiders ... 
This week in forest school we have been learning lots about spiders, we went on a spider hunt and we found lots of spider webs! We also made our own spiders out of clay.

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Spider webs ... 
This week in the forest we have been attempting to make our own giant spider webs by threading ribbon through the willow.

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Spooky fun ... 
This week in the forest we are going to be joining in with lots of Halloween activities, Today we enjoyed hammering nails into pumpkins, squash and swede. We also made spooky faces in play dough using conkers, pine cones and twigs ...

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Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ... 

Today we all worked together to help make a scarecrow. We used garden stakes, old clothes and shoes, a little imagination and a hammer. We think the scarecrow is going to really enjoy his time with us!

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Autumn pictures ..
This week we have been collecting Autumn leaves and taking rubbings from them we have also been learning how to whittle wood ...

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Autumn mobiles ...
We have enjoyed learning how to make 'autumn mobiles'. We made the mobiles using twigs, string, pine cones and leaves ...

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Toasting Marshmallows ... 
Today we enjoy learning how to make a camp fire and how to toast marshmallows, they tasted yummy!

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Making bird feeders ... 
This week we have been thinking about birds in winter. We made bird feeders using lard and seeds and we also thread cheerio cereal onto pipe cleaners, we hung them on the trees for the birds.

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Toast and marshmallows ... 

Today we had a brilliant time in the forest, we learn't how to make a fire, and how to toast bread and marshmallows. They tasted yummy!

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Hot dogs ...

Today we learnt how to use a camping stove and how to make hot dogs ...

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Testing out our problem solving skills ... 
This afternoon we had lots of fun climbing trees! We put our problem solving skills to the test as we had to work out how to climb up and get back down safely.

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Making hot chocolate ... 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make hot chocolate on a camping stove.

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Making homes for hedgehogs ... 

This week we have been listening to a story called 'The hedgehog's balloon' by Nick Butterworth. We have been learning lots about hedgehogs,and we have been busy with lots of 'hedgehog' activities. Today in the forest we collected lots of leaves, twigs and pine cones to make a home for a hedgehog ...

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Hot dogs anyone? 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make hot dogs on a camping stove. They tasted delicious!

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Autumn time ... 

Today in the forest we enjoyed going on an 'autumn 'walk, we spotted lots of signs that autumn is here! There were so many leaves ... big ones, small ones, red, brown, orange and yellow ones! We collected some of them and we used them to make an autumn crown ...

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Toasted Marshmallows ... 

Today in the forest we learnt how to make a camp fire and toast marshmallows. We could see the marshmallows changing colour and shape as they were toasting on the fire. We ate them whilst drinking hot chocolate ... yummy!

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Have you seen the Gruffalo? 

Today in the forest we went on a Gruffalo hunt. We came across the fox who was hiding in his underground house, the owl who was in her tree top house and the snake was tucked away in his log pile house! And then we spotted the GRUFFALO! He had terrible tusks, terrible claws, terrible teeth and terrible jaws, knobbly knees and turned out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose, his eyes were orange  his tongue was black and he had purple prickles all over his back!
But don't you know there is no such thing as a Gruffalo!

We also enjoyed cooking up Gruffalo feasts in the mud kitchen ... Owl ice-cream anyone?

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Look at our amazing Gruffalo's ... 

This week in the forest we made Gruffalo models out of clay. We used pine cones, leaves and twigs to make the Gruffalo's terrible tusks, terrible, claws and terrible teeth ...

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Jam on toast ... 

Today in the forest we learn't how to toast bread on the campfire. Some of us thought that it was the best toast that we had ever tasted!

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Getting creative in the forest ...
In forest school we made our own 'natural' paint brushes using leaves, branches, flowers and pine cones. We enjoyed using these to create some amazing patterns!

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Getting Festive in the forest ... 

Today in the forest we made our own Christmas decorations, using twigs, leaves and pine cones. We used the decorations to decorate a tree. Look how amazing it looks!

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Looking out for the birds ... 
This week in the forest we have been thinking about the birds in winter. The ground in winter is too hard for the birds to dig for worms, and caterpillars, aphids, beetles and grubs stay well hidden. These factors combined with the limited hours of light in which birds can actively search for food can cause them to be very vulnerable, so we thought we would give our feathered friends a helping hand by making them lots of tasty snacks ...

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Welcome to our updated bug hotel ...

Now that it is nearly spring we decided to revamp our bug hotel. We added lots of natural materials such as pine cones, straw and twigs so that the bugs have lots of places to hide in.
Having a bug hotel is a good way for us to learn lots about the natural world around us. Insects need somewhere safe to live which why it is important to build a bug hotel.
We are looking forward to welcoming lots of creepy crawlies!

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Welcome to our vegetable, fruit & herb garden ... 

Over the past few weeks we have been busy planting seeds, beans, potatoes and plants to create our very own Vegetable garden. We have been learning lots about how different fruits & vegetables grow and how you take care of them. We are looking forward to watching them grow and best of all eating them!

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Supertato ... 

After listening to The SUPERTATO story we all turned into superheroes , we went on a vegetable hunt, Our mission was to rescue the vegetables from the evil pea!  We had to use our super strong muscles to dig them up ...

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Toasting marshmallows ...  

After school club invited us to join them in forest school to have hot chocolate and to toast marshmallows on a camp fire. We all had an amazing time, the marshmallows tasted delicious!

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Making bird feeders … 

We have been thinking about the birds in winter, winter time is especially challenging for them because everything is so cold and icy! So we decided to give them a helping hand and make them some fat balls using lard and bird seed. We then hung them up in the trees …

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Making Christmas decorations…

We have been busy making Christmas decorations using natural materials from the forest…

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We enjoyed picking apples and pears from the apple and pear trees that we have in the fairy garden. Then we all tasted them. They tasted very juicy and crunchy!

Apples and Pears
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Making patterns ...

We had lots of fun collecting berries, leaves, and herbs from the garden. We then used these to make prints. We did this by placing the leaves, berries etc. onto a piece of material and then we covered it over and used a hammer to squash everything together! The patterns looked amazing!

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Getting spooky in the forest ...

We have enjoyed getting creative in the forest, we enjoyed making magic potions and hammering golf tee's into pumpkins!  

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Making food for the birds ... 

Now that winter is fast approaching we have been thinking about the birds. Birds find finding food more difficult in winter because everything is so cold and icy! So to help them we made lots of 'fat balls' containing lard and bird seeds. We placed them on the bird table, we hung them from trees and we put them up high on top of the fence posts. We then sat quietly and we watched the birds while they tucked into them. We saw wood pigeons, robins and lots of magpies  ...

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The new improved forest school ...

Everyone is really excited about getting back into forest school. We have had lots of improvements done, we now have a new shed called 'The Robin's nest'. It's so much bigger than the old one, we are really looking forward to spending lots of time in there doing lots of fun forest activities and we also have a new green house. We are really looking forward to developing an allotment area for everyone to use. This space will teach us about growing food and caring for the environment.

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Planting sunflower seeds ...

This week in forest school everyone has been planting sunflower seeds. We are looking forward to taking them home and watching them grow ...

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Exploring fruit & vegetables ...
When we went to play in the mud kitchen today we discovered lots of different fruit & Vegetables. We had lots of fun attempting to chop some of them up, the most difficult was the spiky pine apple!

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The colour monster goes to forest school ...

We have enjoyed listening to 'The colour Monster goes to school' story in phonics so we decided to take him up to forest school! We searched for different colours in the environment such as leaves and flowers and we used these to make patterns. We placed the leaves, flowers etc. onto a piece of material and then we placed another piece of material over the top and then we used a hammer and we banged over the top of it. When we removed the cloth we discovered a pretty colourful pattern ...

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Welcome to our new allotment area ...

We now have an allotment area at the top of the Nursery garden. The allotment contains a greenhouse and large planters. We are all really excited about growing lots different fruit and vegetables. At the moment we are growing chives, carrots, corn on the cob, potatoes and strawberries. 

This allotment will help children gain a deeper understanding of where their food comes from especially when they are involved in the growing process.
By planting seeds themselves and taking responsibilty for the crops grown in the allotment children are excited to harvest them and even more excited to eat them!

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