Welcome back everyone!
We hope that you all had a lovely holiday. This week at Nursery we are enjoying re-connecting with our friends and teachers. We are also enjoying making new friends as lots of new boys and girls have started at our Nursery.
Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears ... (5/09/22 - 16/09/22)
Over the next few weeks we are going to be sharing Goldilocks and The Three Bears story. This story has lots of fun activities. So far we have enjoyed making porridge, acting out the story using puppets, writing letters to the bears and building new chairs for baby bear.
We're going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen ... (20th- 30th Sept 2022)
We're are having lots of fun sharing this delightful tale of an adventure - seeking family. On their way to catch a bear they find a number of obstacles ... long wavy grass, thick ozzy mud, cold river, dark forest and a swirling whirling snowstorm!
This story is great for getting our little bodies moving. You can't help but sing along to the story, "We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a BIG one. What a beautiful day. We're not scared ... UH OH..."
We have been busy going on our own bear hunts, making bear caves, bear masks and using musical instruments to create the different sounds that are heard throughout the story. We also made sensory bottles to match the sounds in the story ...
The Tiger who came to tea by Judith Kerr ... (3rd Oct - 14th Oct 2022)
This story is about a little girl called Sophie and her extraordinary teatime guest. The door bell rings just as Sophie and her mum are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be?
This book is great for helping us to understand about overcoming problems cheerfully. When a tiger eats you out of house and home, head out for sausage and chips and an ice-cream super!
We have enjoyed having our own tea party, making tiger masks, matching patterns, designing tea pots, writing shopping lists, going on tiger hunts and lots lots more!
Winnie the witch by Korky Paul & Valerie Thomas ... (17th - 19th October 2022)
Winnie the witch has a problem ... She has a black house, black walls, black floors, black furniture & black fittings. Winnie's cat Wilbur is also black and when he closes his eyes to go to sleep, Winnie cannot see him and treads on him. Her solution is to change the colour of Wilbur's fur so that he stands out better!
This story is lots of fun, we have been busy doing lots of witchy activities based around this story ...
We're going on a pumpkin hunt by Goldie Hawk ... (31st Oct -4th Nov 2022)
Three children are hunting for the perfect pumpkins to take trick or treating. But first they've got to get through the sticky spiders webs, flapping bats and then worst of all a spooky haunted house!
We're going on a pumpkin hunt ... It's going to be a BIG one, What a beautiful night! We're not scared ... UH-OH What is there?
This week we are continuing with Halloween. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of spooky activities. But our favourite was going on a pumpkin hunt. We had to tackle the sticky spiders webs, that tickle swish! Negotiate the flying bats, Flap flap flap! and enter a haunted spooky house!
After all that we managed to find lots of pumpkins!
SPOOKY dancing ... (02/11/22)
Today in music & movement we did lots of spooky dancing, we pretended to be witches flying on our broom sticks, big black cats, furry bats, zombies and skeletons, we even made up some magic potions and we turned everyone into slimy frogs!
We're going on a leaf hunt by Steve Metzger (7th- 11th Nov 2022)
This week we are sharing 'We're going on a leaf hunt' story. This story is helping us to learn all about Autumn. This story also has lots of rhyming text and fun sound effects!
"We're going on a leaf hunt. We're going right away. There are lots of colourful leaves to find. It's a wonderful day!"
We enjoyed going on our own leaf hunt, we found lots of colourful leaves!
This week we are also thinking about bonfire night. We enjoyed making fire work pictures and making fire work noises using musical instruments.
Remembrance Sunday …
We have been learning all about Remembrance Day. Everyone helped to make poppies. Poppies help us to remember those who fought and lost their lives in the war.
The squirrel who squabbled by Rachel Bright … (14th- 25th Nov 2022)
For the next few weeks we are sharing this story. In this story the forest creatures are preparing for winter. Cyril wakes up and realises winter is coming and he hasn’t stored away any food! He sees one pine one left and decides that it has to be his! Bruce also sees the pine cone and even thought he is already prepared for winter and has plenty of food, he decides that he needs the pine cone too! The squirrels fight over the pine cone!
This book is helping us to learn all about friendship and the importance of sharing.
We have enjoyed sorting and counting pine cones and conkers, building homes for the woodland creatures to hibernate in.
Autumn Trail Day ... (14th and 18th Nov 2022)
Our mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Autumn trail. There was lots of fun activities. We enjoyed making Diva lamps, autumn wreaths, making fire work pictures, making Rangoli patterns, making poppies out of play dough and lots lots more!
Children in need … (18th Nov)
To help raise money for Children in need everyone dressed up in their spotty clothes and we also learnt the Pudsey bear dance ...
There’s an elf in your book… (28th Nov - 9th Dec 2022)
A little elf has found their way into your book! What does the elf want? Oh is it to see if you have been naughty or nice this year?
This story is getting everyone into the Christmas spirit, we have been busy getting very festive! We have been making our own elves, building a sleigh for Santa, decorating Christmas trees, making Christmas collages and lots lots more …
Red day … (30/11/22)
Today everyone wore something red and donated chocolate to the Christmas tombola …
Count down to Christmas … (1/12/22)
Today we opened number 1 on the advent calendar and we found a chocolate!
We also received a special letter from an elf …
‘Santa sent me from the North Pole to meet you. He asked me to watch over you until Christmas so that I can tell him how good you have been. I am a friendly Elf so please don’t be scared.'
Love from the Christmas Elf.
Christmas is coming… (5th Dec 2022)
We have been joining in with lots of Christmas activities and we decorated the Nursery Christmas tree …
Christmas trail Day … (7th December 2022)
Our families were invited to come into Nursery and join in with lots of fun Christmas activities, we enjoyed making reindeer food, Christmas decorations, building Santa a sleigh , singing Christmas songs, and having some yummy hot chocolate in forest school …
Christmas jumper day … (8th December 2022)
Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers and made a donation to ‘Save the Children’ charity…
Winter has finally arrived… (8th December 2022)
When we played outside today it was so cold that the water had frozen in the water tray! The ducklings were trapped in the ice! We had to put our problem solving skills to the test so that we could rescue them, we came up with lots of imaginative
ideas …
Fun in the snow …(12th December 2022)
Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we enjoyed building snowmen, building snow castles and making lots of patterns in the snow…
Christmas party … (14th December 2022)
Today everyone had an amazing time at the Christmas party, we watched a magic show, played party games, enjoyed some tasty party food and to finish off we had a special visitor… SANTA!
The snowman and the snow dog by Raymond Riggs … (4th-13th Jan 2023)
Over the next week we are sharing this story, it’s about a little boy called Billy who builds a snowman and a snow dog, the two come to life and Billy joins them on a magical adventure!
We have enjoyed designing our own snowmen and exploring the pretend snow…
Perky little penguins by Tony Mitton … (16th - 27th Jan 2023)
Perky little penguins coming out to play, looking for their play mates … here they are … hurray!
This is lovely story all about penguins playing in the snow and ice, this story links in nicely with all the wintery weather we are having.
We have been busy joining in with lots of wintery & fun penguin activities, We have also been learning a penguin dance ... waddle waddle waddle!
Did you know that it is penguin awareness day on the 20th January 2023!
Fun in the snow … (18th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed playing out in the snow, we all worked together to make a snowman, after a few discussions we decided to name him Simon! ☃️Doesn’t he look brilliant!
Making patterns in the snow… (20th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed learning how to use pipettes, when we mastered this skill we made lots of blue patterns in the snow …
Chinese New Year celebration … (23rd January 2023)
Today we have enjoyed learning all about the Chinese New Year, this year is the year of the rabbit. In Chinese culture a rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity!
What is the Chinese New Year about?
Each year, on the first new moon of the lunar calendar people start to celebrate the new year, also called the spring festival. It is a joyful festival that starts with the new moon and ends on the full moon fifteen days later. In all homes this is a time for family reunion. On New Year’s Eve a delicious banquet is prepared. On the night of the full moon lanterns are hung up in houses, parades are organised with a dancing dragon.
The perfect fit by Naomi Jones ... (30th January- 10th February 2023)
This is a beautiful story, this story is helping us to learn all about individuality and inclusion as well as learning about shapes and colours. We have been busy going on a shape hunt, we found lots and lots of different shapes! We also enjoyed making shape collages and using 2d & 3d shapes to build rockets, houses, towers …
Phonics trail ... 08/02/23
Mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Phonics trail, we enjoyed going on a listening walk around forest school, making shakers, making music with musical instruments, making rhyming soup, exploring a sound box and playing 'cross the river' game.
The three little pigs … (20th Feb - 3rd March 2023)
This is a wonderful classic tale. Everyone really enjoyed listening to this story in phonics. This story inspired us to get busy making our own houses. We also had lots of fun acting out the story with our friends.
Pancake day … (21st February 2023)
Today everyone enjoyed learning how to make delicious pancakes. They tasted yummy, we can't wait to go home and tell our mums and dads all about it! Some of us are going to have a go at making some more when we get home for our tea!
People worldwide celebrate pancake day every year by embracing delicious pancake cuisine but the date on which the event falls changes annually depending on Easter.
Library van visit… (28th February 2023)
A library van came to visit Nursery today, Dawn the librarian read us lots of exciting stories! We also chose lots of books to put in our own library at Nursery, we can’t wait to read them!
World book day… (2nd March 2023)
To celebrate world book day everyone dressed up as their favourite
book character …
World book day is an annual event that began in 1995. On world book day every child in full time education is given a voucher to spend on whatever book they want, with the hope of encouraging children to read more. Reading more helps to improve vocabulary while learning new information, and enhancing their creativity in the process!
Press Here by Herve Tullet … (6th -17th March 2023)
This story takes us on a magical Journey, we have to press the yellow dot and follow the instructions. The dots multiplied, changed direction and even grew in size!
There was lots and lots of dots around nursery! We have been busy making our own dotty pictures and dotty collages and taking them on our own magical Journey's …
The odd egg by Emily Gravett … (20th - 27th March)
Our story this week is The odd egg story. This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles, also this story links nicely with Easter.
In this story all the birds eggs hatch, all except duck. When duck finds an egg of his own he is delighted! All the other birds think that it’s a very odd egg indeed!
We have been busy designing our own eggs and going on egg hunts as well as learning all about the life cycle of a chick.
Did you know that chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs!
A special delivery… (20th March 2023)
Today we received a very exciting delivery… eggs! We put the eggs in a special container called an incubator, this keeps the eggs warm and safe. We are all really curious about what could be growing inside. After listening to the odd egg story some of us think that crocodiles might hatch out!
The eggs have hatched!! (23rd March)
When we arrived at Nursery this morning we were greeted with four fluffy chicks! How exciting! We are really looking forward to taking care of them and learning all about them …
Decorate an egg for Easter … (w/c 27th March )
Everyone was invited to decorate an egg for Easter, just take a look at how
egg mazing they are …
The chicks …
We have enjoyed helping to look after the chicks and learning lots about them, haven’t they grown big!
Easter trail … (29th March)
Parents were invited to an Easter trail , we enjoyed joining in with lots of fun Easter activities such as making Easter bunny cards, going on an egg hunt, dancing along to the sleeping bunny song, painting bunny and daffodil pictures, matching egg patterns and making chocolate eggs with play dough …
Easter bunny … 31st March .
Today we received a letter from the Easter bunny, he told us that he had hidden lots of Easter eggs around the Nursery garden. We had lots of fun finding them!
The Teeny Weeny Tadpole by Sheridan Cain ( 17TH - 28th April 2023)
Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing this story. In this story every creature that the teeny weeny tadpole meets seems to be able to jump , except him. Then he meets a BIG fish, who can't jump but can swim very fast and he eats little tadpoles. What is the tadpole going to do?
This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles. Learning about life cycles is a great way to help us to understand how the world works & the life cycles of living organisms. This will help us to understand the changes that we will encounter as we grow! It will also help us to appreciate the nature & beauty of the world!
We are enjoying learning lots about frogs ... We know all about the life cycle, "Frogs start as frogspawn then they become tadpoles, soon they grow legs and become a froglet and as they grow bigger they become a frog!"
Did you know that frogs don't drink water, they absorb water through their skin!
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of froggy activities, our particular favourite was hopping around like a mad bunch of frogs!
Frogs … (24th April)
Today we enjoyed meeting some frogs, one of our friends grandma very kindly brought some in from her garden pond for us to have a look at, we enjoyed watching them jump around in the water, we even got to hold them, they felt very cold! The frogs had very long legs and they could jump really high! We also got to have a look at some tadpoles …
Eid celebration …
We have all enjoyed learning all about Eid and how they celebrate. We especially enjoyed tasting lots of different food that would be eaten during the celebrations.
frog paintings …
Look at our amazing frog paintings, don’t they look frogtastic!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
King Charles Coronation party …
Everyone is really excited about the up coming Coronation party!
We dressed in red, white and blue clothes and made crowns. Everyone had lots of fun celebrating the king’s coronation, we had our very own garden party, we enjoyed eating jam and cheese sandwiches, crisp and biscuits. And then we played some party games.
Super worm by Julia Donaldson (15th- 22nd May)
We are really enjoying sharing this story … Super worm is a hero with a difference, Super worm is super long and super strong. He’s always to hand to help out all the other animals and insects, whether he’s saving baby toad from an accident, rescuing beetle from falling down a well … Never fear Super worm is here!
This story has inspired us to go on our own bug hunts, we found worms, beetles, wood lice, slugs and spiders!
What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson … (5th - 16th June)
The animals on the farm are very noisy, all except the ladybird who never says a word. But when burglars plot to steel the farmers prize cow, it’s the quiet ladybird who comes up with the perfect way to stop them! This story shows us how even the smallest creature can save the day! This story is helping us to learn lots about farm animals and their vocabulary as well as learning about prepositions and directional language. This story also links nicely to the farm visit that we will be going on, on Wednesday and Thursday.
We have been busy creating our own small world farms, playing ladybird counting games, making traps to catch the burglars, searching for ladybirds in the garden and designing our own ladybird patterns…
Smithills farm visit … (7th & 8th June)
We all had an amazing time visiting Smithills farm. We learnt all about the different animals that live there, we got the opportunity to feed and touch them, we also enjoyed going on a very bumpy tractor and donkey ride.
Oliver’s vegetables by Alison Bartlett & Vivian French … (19th June - 30th June 2023)
Oliver is visiting his grandparents, the best thing about staying there is their big garden full of vegetables! The thing is Oliver doesn’t like vegetables, he only eats chips!
Sharing this story is helping us to learn all about lots of different vegetables and about how & where they grow.
We have enjoyed planting and digging up vegetables, cutting and peeling vegetables, observational drawings of our favourite vegetables, acting out the story with our friends & playing lots of games …
(11th July 2023)
Everyone enjoyed going for a walk all the way around Lockyer playing field, the field is very big and some of us got a little tired! But we did it! Well done everybody 😀. The money raised will be put into the school fund to buy Nursery lots of new things.
Teddy bears picnic ...
We all had lots of fun at the teddy bears picnic, our mum's and dad's came to join us. We enjoyed eating lots of yummy food and sharing our learning journey's with our families and talking about all the exciting things that we have enjoyed doing at Nursery.
Welcome back everyone!
We hope that you all had a lovely holiday. This week at Nursery we are enjoying re-connecting with our friends and teachers. We are also enjoying making new friends as lots of new boys and girls have started at our Nursery.
Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears ... (5/09/22 - 16/09/22)
Over the next few weeks we are going to be sharing Goldilocks and The Three Bears story. This story has lots of fun activities. So far we have enjoyed making porridge, acting out the story using puppets, writing letters to the bears and building new chairs for baby bear.
We're going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen ... (20th- 30th Sept 2022)
We're are having lots of fun sharing this delightful tale of an adventure - seeking family. On their way to catch a bear they find a number of obstacles ... long wavy grass, thick ozzy mud, cold river, dark forest and a swirling whirling snowstorm!
This story is great for getting our little bodies moving. You can't help but sing along to the story, "We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a BIG one. What a beautiful day. We're not scared ... UH OH..."
We have been busy going on our own bear hunts, making bear caves, bear masks and using musical instruments to create the different sounds that are heard throughout the story. We also made sensory bottles to match the sounds in the story ...
The Tiger who came to tea by Judith Kerr ... (3rd Oct - 14th Oct 2022)
This story is about a little girl called Sophie and her extraordinary teatime guest. The door bell rings just as Sophie and her mum are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be?
This book is great for helping us to understand about overcoming problems cheerfully. When a tiger eats you out of house and home, head out for sausage and chips and an ice-cream super!
We have enjoyed having our own tea party, making tiger masks, matching patterns, designing tea pots, writing shopping lists, going on tiger hunts and lots lots more!
Winnie the witch by Korky Paul & Valerie Thomas ... (17th - 19th October 2022)
Winnie the witch has a problem ... She has a black house, black walls, black floors, black furniture & black fittings. Winnie's cat Wilbur is also black and when he closes his eyes to go to sleep, Winnie cannot see him and treads on him. Her solution is to change the colour of Wilbur's fur so that he stands out better!
This story is lots of fun, we have been busy doing lots of witchy activities based around this story ...
We're going on a pumpkin hunt by Goldie Hawk ... (31st Oct -4th Nov 2022)
Three children are hunting for the perfect pumpkins to take trick or treating. But first they've got to get through the sticky spiders webs, flapping bats and then worst of all a spooky haunted house!
We're going on a pumpkin hunt ... It's going to be a BIG one, What a beautiful night! We're not scared ... UH-OH What is there?
This week we are continuing with Halloween. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of spooky activities. But our favourite was going on a pumpkin hunt. We had to tackle the sticky spiders webs, that tickle swish! Negotiate the flying bats, Flap flap flap! and enter a haunted spooky house!
After all that we managed to find lots of pumpkins!
SPOOKY dancing ... (02/11/22)
Today in music & movement we did lots of spooky dancing, we pretended to be witches flying on our broom sticks, big black cats, furry bats, zombies and skeletons, we even made up some magic potions and we turned everyone into slimy frogs!
We're going on a leaf hunt by Steve Metzger (7th- 11th Nov 2022)
This week we are sharing 'We're going on a leaf hunt' story. This story is helping us to learn all about Autumn. This story also has lots of rhyming text and fun sound effects!
"We're going on a leaf hunt. We're going right away. There are lots of colourful leaves to find. It's a wonderful day!"
We enjoyed going on our own leaf hunt, we found lots of colourful leaves!
This week we are also thinking about bonfire night. We enjoyed making fire work pictures and making fire work noises using musical instruments.
Remembrance Sunday …
We have been learning all about Remembrance Day. Everyone helped to make poppies. Poppies help us to remember those who fought and lost their lives in the war.
The squirrel who squabbled by Rachel Bright … (14th- 25th Nov 2022)
For the next few weeks we are sharing this story. In this story the forest creatures are preparing for winter. Cyril wakes up and realises winter is coming and he hasn’t stored away any food! He sees one pine one left and decides that it has to be his! Bruce also sees the pine cone and even thought he is already prepared for winter and has plenty of food, he decides that he needs the pine cone too! The squirrels fight over the pine cone!
This book is helping us to learn all about friendship and the importance of sharing.
We have enjoyed sorting and counting pine cones and conkers, building homes for the woodland creatures to hibernate in.
Autumn Trail Day ... (14th and 18th Nov 2022)
Our mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Autumn trail. There was lots of fun activities. We enjoyed making Diva lamps, autumn wreaths, making fire work pictures, making Rangoli patterns, making poppies out of play dough and lots lots more!
Children in need … (18th Nov)
To help raise money for Children in need everyone dressed up in their spotty clothes and we also learnt the Pudsey bear dance ...
There’s an elf in your book… (28th Nov - 9th Dec 2022)
A little elf has found their way into your book! What does the elf want? Oh is it to see if you have been naughty or nice this year?
This story is getting everyone into the Christmas spirit, we have been busy getting very festive! We have been making our own elves, building a sleigh for Santa, decorating Christmas trees, making Christmas collages and lots lots more …
Red day … (30/11/22)
Today everyone wore something red and donated chocolate to the Christmas tombola …
Count down to Christmas … (1/12/22)
Today we opened number 1 on the advent calendar and we found a chocolate!
We also received a special letter from an elf …
‘Santa sent me from the North Pole to meet you. He asked me to watch over you until Christmas so that I can tell him how good you have been. I am a friendly Elf so please don’t be scared.'
Love from the Christmas Elf.
Christmas is coming… (5th Dec 2022)
We have been joining in with lots of Christmas activities and we decorated the Nursery Christmas tree …
Christmas trail Day … (7th December 2022)
Our families were invited to come into Nursery and join in with lots of fun Christmas activities, we enjoyed making reindeer food, Christmas decorations, building Santa a sleigh , singing Christmas songs, and having some yummy hot chocolate in forest school …
Christmas jumper day … (8th December 2022)
Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers and made a donation to ‘Save the Children’ charity…
Winter has finally arrived… (8th December 2022)
When we played outside today it was so cold that the water had frozen in the water tray! The ducklings were trapped in the ice! We had to put our problem solving skills to the test so that we could rescue them, we came up with lots of imaginative
ideas …
Fun in the snow …(12th December 2022)
Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we enjoyed building snowmen, building snow castles and making lots of patterns in the snow…
Christmas party … (14th December 2022)
Today everyone had an amazing time at the Christmas party, we watched a magic show, played party games, enjoyed some tasty party food and to finish off we had a special visitor… SANTA!
The snowman and the snow dog by Raymond Riggs … (4th-13th Jan 2023)
Over the next week we are sharing this story, it’s about a little boy called Billy who builds a snowman and a snow dog, the two come to life and Billy joins them on a magical adventure!
We have enjoyed designing our own snowmen and exploring the pretend snow…
Perky little penguins by Tony Mitton … (16th - 27th Jan 2023)
Perky little penguins coming out to play, looking for their play mates … here they are … hurray!
This is lovely story all about penguins playing in the snow and ice, this story links in nicely with all the wintery weather we are having.
We have been busy joining in with lots of wintery & fun penguin activities, We have also been learning a penguin dance ... waddle waddle waddle!
Did you know that it is penguin awareness day on the 20th January 2023!
Fun in the snow … (18th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed playing out in the snow, we all worked together to make a snowman, after a few discussions we decided to name him Simon! ☃️Doesn’t he look brilliant!
Making patterns in the snow… (20th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed learning how to use pipettes, when we mastered this skill we made lots of blue patterns in the snow …
Chinese New Year celebration … (23rd January 2023)
Today we have enjoyed learning all about the Chinese New Year, this year is the year of the rabbit. In Chinese culture a rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity!
What is the Chinese New Year about?
Each year, on the first new moon of the lunar calendar people start to celebrate the new year, also called the spring festival. It is a joyful festival that starts with the new moon and ends on the full moon fifteen days later. In all homes this is a time for family reunion. On New Year’s Eve a delicious banquet is prepared. On the night of the full moon lanterns are hung up in houses, parades are organised with a dancing dragon.
The perfect fit by Naomi Jones ... (30th January- 10th February 2023)
This is a beautiful story, this story is helping us to learn all about individuality and inclusion as well as learning about shapes and colours. We have been busy going on a shape hunt, we found lots and lots of different shapes! We also enjoyed making shape collages and using 2d & 3d shapes to build rockets, houses, towers …
Phonics trail ... 08/02/23
Mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Phonics trail, we enjoyed going on a listening walk around forest school, making shakers, making music with musical instruments, making rhyming soup, exploring a sound box and playing 'cross the river' game.
The three little pigs … (20th Feb - 3rd March 2023)
This is a wonderful classic tale. Everyone really enjoyed listening to this story in phonics. This story inspired us to get busy making our own houses. We also had lots of fun acting out the story with our friends.
Pancake day … (21st February 2023)
Today everyone enjoyed learning how to make delicious pancakes. They tasted yummy, we can't wait to go home and tell our mums and dads all about it! Some of us are going to have a go at making some more when we get home for our tea!
People worldwide celebrate pancake day every year by embracing delicious pancake cuisine but the date on which the event falls changes annually depending on Easter.
Library van visit… (28th February 2023)
A library van came to visit Nursery today, Dawn the librarian read us lots of exciting stories! We also chose lots of books to put in our own library at Nursery, we can’t wait to read them!
World book day… (2nd March 2023)
To celebrate world book day everyone dressed up as their favourite
book character …
World book day is an annual event that began in 1995. On world book day every child in full time education is given a voucher to spend on whatever book they want, with the hope of encouraging children to read more. Reading more helps to improve vocabulary while learning new information, and enhancing their creativity in the process!
Press Here by Herve Tullet … (6th -17th March 2023)
This story takes us on a magical Journey, we have to press the yellow dot and follow the instructions. The dots multiplied, changed direction and even grew in size!
There was lots and lots of dots around nursery! We have been busy making our own dotty pictures and dotty collages and taking them on our own magical Journey's …
The odd egg by Emily Gravett … (20th - 27th March)
Our story this week is The odd egg story. This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles, also this story links nicely with Easter.
In this story all the birds eggs hatch, all except duck. When duck finds an egg of his own he is delighted! All the other birds think that it’s a very odd egg indeed!
We have been busy designing our own eggs and going on egg hunts as well as learning all about the life cycle of a chick.
Did you know that chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs!
A special delivery… (20th March 2023)
Today we received a very exciting delivery… eggs! We put the eggs in a special container called an incubator, this keeps the eggs warm and safe. We are all really curious about what could be growing inside. After listening to the odd egg story some of us think that crocodiles might hatch out!
The eggs have hatched!! (23rd March)
When we arrived at Nursery this morning we were greeted with four fluffy chicks! How exciting! We are really looking forward to taking care of them and learning all about them …
Decorate an egg for Easter … (w/c 27th March )
Everyone was invited to decorate an egg for Easter, just take a look at how
egg mazing they are …
The chicks …
We have enjoyed helping to look after the chicks and learning lots about them, haven’t they grown big!
Easter trail … (29th March)
Parents were invited to an Easter trail , we enjoyed joining in with lots of fun Easter activities such as making Easter bunny cards, going on an egg hunt, dancing along to the sleeping bunny song, painting bunny and daffodil pictures, matching egg patterns and making chocolate eggs with play dough …
Easter bunny … 31st March .
Today we received a letter from the Easter bunny, he told us that he had hidden lots of Easter eggs around the Nursery garden. We had lots of fun finding them!
The Teeny Weeny Tadpole by Sheridan Cain ( 17TH - 28th April 2023)
Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing this story. In this story every creature that the teeny weeny tadpole meets seems to be able to jump , except him. Then he meets a BIG fish, who can't jump but can swim very fast and he eats little tadpoles. What is the tadpole going to do?
This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles. Learning about life cycles is a great way to help us to understand how the world works & the life cycles of living organisms. This will help us to understand the changes that we will encounter as we grow! It will also help us to appreciate the nature & beauty of the world!
We are enjoying learning lots about frogs ... We know all about the life cycle, "Frogs start as frogspawn then they become tadpoles, soon they grow legs and become a froglet and as they grow bigger they become a frog!"
Did you know that frogs don't drink water, they absorb water through their skin!
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of froggy activities, our particular favourite was hopping around like a mad bunch of frogs!
Frogs … (24th April)
Today we enjoyed meeting some frogs, one of our friends grandma very kindly brought some in from her garden pond for us to have a look at, we enjoyed watching them jump around in the water, we even got to hold them, they felt very cold! The frogs had very long legs and they could jump really high! We also got to have a look at some tadpoles …
Eid celebration …
We have all enjoyed learning all about Eid and how they celebrate. We especially enjoyed tasting lots of different food that would be eaten during the celebrations.
frog paintings …
Look at our amazing frog paintings, don’t they look frogtastic!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
King Charles Coronation party …
Everyone is really excited about the up coming Coronation party!
We dressed in red, white and blue clothes and made crowns. Everyone had lots of fun celebrating the king’s coronation, we had our very own garden party, we enjoyed eating jam and cheese sandwiches, crisp and biscuits. And then we played some party games.
Super worm by Julia Donaldson (15th- 22nd May)
We are really enjoying sharing this story … Super worm is a hero with a difference, Super worm is super long and super strong. He’s always to hand to help out all the other animals and insects, whether he’s saving baby toad from an accident, rescuing beetle from falling down a well … Never fear Super worm is here!
This story has inspired us to go on our own bug hunts, we found worms, beetles, wood lice, slugs and spiders!
What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson … (5th - 16th June)
The animals on the farm are very noisy, all except the ladybird who never says a word. But when burglars plot to steel the farmers prize cow, it’s the quiet ladybird who comes up with the perfect way to stop them! This story shows us how even the smallest creature can save the day! This story is helping us to learn lots about farm animals and their vocabulary as well as learning about prepositions and directional language. This story also links nicely to the farm visit that we will be going on, on Wednesday and Thursday.
We have been busy creating our own small world farms, playing ladybird counting games, making traps to catch the burglars, searching for ladybirds in the garden and designing our own ladybird patterns…
Smithills farm visit … (7th & 8th June)
We all had an amazing time visiting Smithills farm. We learnt all about the different animals that live there, we got the opportunity to feed and touch them, we also enjoyed going on a very bumpy tractor and donkey ride.
Oliver’s vegetables by Alison Bartlett & Vivian French … (19th June - 30th June 2023)
Oliver is visiting his grandparents, the best thing about staying there is their big garden full of vegetables! The thing is Oliver doesn’t like vegetables, he only eats chips!
Sharing this story is helping us to learn all about lots of different vegetables and about how & where they grow.
We have enjoyed planting and digging up vegetables, cutting and peeling vegetables, observational drawings of our favourite vegetables, acting out the story with our friends & playing lots of games …
(11th July 2023)
Everyone enjoyed going for a walk all the way around Lockyer playing field, the field is very big and some of us got a little tired! But we did it! Well done everybody 😀. The money raised will be put into the school fund to buy Nursery lots of new things.
Teddy bears picnic ...
We all had lots of fun at the teddy bears picnic, our mum's and dad's came to join us. We enjoyed eating lots of yummy food and sharing our learning journey's with our families and talking about all the exciting things that we have enjoyed doing at Nursery.
Welcome back everyone!
We hope that you all had a lovely holiday. This week at Nursery we are enjoying re-connecting with our friends and teachers. We are also enjoying making new friends as lots of new boys and girls have started at our Nursery.
Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears ... (5/09/22 - 16/09/22)
Over the next few weeks we are going to be sharing Goldilocks and The Three Bears story. This story has lots of fun activities. So far we have enjoyed making porridge, acting out the story using puppets, writing letters to the bears and building new chairs for baby bear.
We're going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen ... (20th- 30th Sept 2022)
We're are having lots of fun sharing this delightful tale of an adventure - seeking family. On their way to catch a bear they find a number of obstacles ... long wavy grass, thick ozzy mud, cold river, dark forest and a swirling whirling snowstorm!
This story is great for getting our little bodies moving. You can't help but sing along to the story, "We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a BIG one. What a beautiful day. We're not scared ... UH OH..."
We have been busy going on our own bear hunts, making bear caves, bear masks and using musical instruments to create the different sounds that are heard throughout the story. We also made sensory bottles to match the sounds in the story ...
The Tiger who came to tea by Judith Kerr ... (3rd Oct - 14th Oct 2022)
This story is about a little girl called Sophie and her extraordinary teatime guest. The door bell rings just as Sophie and her mum are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be?
This book is great for helping us to understand about overcoming problems cheerfully. When a tiger eats you out of house and home, head out for sausage and chips and an ice-cream super!
We have enjoyed having our own tea party, making tiger masks, matching patterns, designing tea pots, writing shopping lists, going on tiger hunts and lots lots more!
Winnie the witch by Korky Paul & Valerie Thomas ... (17th - 19th October 2022)
Winnie the witch has a problem ... She has a black house, black walls, black floors, black furniture & black fittings. Winnie's cat Wilbur is also black and when he closes his eyes to go to sleep, Winnie cannot see him and treads on him. Her solution is to change the colour of Wilbur's fur so that he stands out better!
This story is lots of fun, we have been busy doing lots of witchy activities based around this story ...
We're going on a pumpkin hunt by Goldie Hawk ... (31st Oct -4th Nov 2022)
Three children are hunting for the perfect pumpkins to take trick or treating. But first they've got to get through the sticky spiders webs, flapping bats and then worst of all a spooky haunted house!
We're going on a pumpkin hunt ... It's going to be a BIG one, What a beautiful night! We're not scared ... UH-OH What is there?
This week we are continuing with Halloween. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of spooky activities. But our favourite was going on a pumpkin hunt. We had to tackle the sticky spiders webs, that tickle swish! Negotiate the flying bats, Flap flap flap! and enter a haunted spooky house!
After all that we managed to find lots of pumpkins!
SPOOKY dancing ... (02/11/22)
Today in music & movement we did lots of spooky dancing, we pretended to be witches flying on our broom sticks, big black cats, furry bats, zombies and skeletons, we even made up some magic potions and we turned everyone into slimy frogs!
We're going on a leaf hunt by Steve Metzger (7th- 11th Nov 2022)
This week we are sharing 'We're going on a leaf hunt' story. This story is helping us to learn all about Autumn. This story also has lots of rhyming text and fun sound effects!
"We're going on a leaf hunt. We're going right away. There are lots of colourful leaves to find. It's a wonderful day!"
We enjoyed going on our own leaf hunt, we found lots of colourful leaves!
This week we are also thinking about bonfire night. We enjoyed making fire work pictures and making fire work noises using musical instruments.
Remembrance Sunday …
We have been learning all about Remembrance Day. Everyone helped to make poppies. Poppies help us to remember those who fought and lost their lives in the war.
The squirrel who squabbled by Rachel Bright … (14th- 25th Nov 2022)
For the next few weeks we are sharing this story. In this story the forest creatures are preparing for winter. Cyril wakes up and realises winter is coming and he hasn’t stored away any food! He sees one pine one left and decides that it has to be his! Bruce also sees the pine cone and even thought he is already prepared for winter and has plenty of food, he decides that he needs the pine cone too! The squirrels fight over the pine cone!
This book is helping us to learn all about friendship and the importance of sharing.
We have enjoyed sorting and counting pine cones and conkers, building homes for the woodland creatures to hibernate in.
Autumn Trail Day ... (14th and 18th Nov 2022)
Our mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Autumn trail. There was lots of fun activities. We enjoyed making Diva lamps, autumn wreaths, making fire work pictures, making Rangoli patterns, making poppies out of play dough and lots lots more!
Children in need … (18th Nov)
To help raise money for Children in need everyone dressed up in their spotty clothes and we also learnt the Pudsey bear dance ...
There’s an elf in your book… (28th Nov - 9th Dec 2022)
A little elf has found their way into your book! What does the elf want? Oh is it to see if you have been naughty or nice this year?
This story is getting everyone into the Christmas spirit, we have been busy getting very festive! We have been making our own elves, building a sleigh for Santa, decorating Christmas trees, making Christmas collages and lots lots more …
Red day … (30/11/22)
Today everyone wore something red and donated chocolate to the Christmas tombola …
Count down to Christmas … (1/12/22)
Today we opened number 1 on the advent calendar and we found a chocolate!
We also received a special letter from an elf …
‘Santa sent me from the North Pole to meet you. He asked me to watch over you until Christmas so that I can tell him how good you have been. I am a friendly Elf so please don’t be scared.'
Love from the Christmas Elf.
Christmas is coming… (5th Dec 2022)
We have been joining in with lots of Christmas activities and we decorated the Nursery Christmas tree …
Christmas trail Day … (7th December 2022)
Our families were invited to come into Nursery and join in with lots of fun Christmas activities, we enjoyed making reindeer food, Christmas decorations, building Santa a sleigh , singing Christmas songs, and having some yummy hot chocolate in forest school …
Christmas jumper day … (8th December 2022)
Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers and made a donation to ‘Save the Children’ charity…
Winter has finally arrived… (8th December 2022)
When we played outside today it was so cold that the water had frozen in the water tray! The ducklings were trapped in the ice! We had to put our problem solving skills to the test so that we could rescue them, we came up with lots of imaginative
ideas …
Fun in the snow …(12th December 2022)
Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we enjoyed building snowmen, building snow castles and making lots of patterns in the snow…
Christmas party … (14th December 2022)
Today everyone had an amazing time at the Christmas party, we watched a magic show, played party games, enjoyed some tasty party food and to finish off we had a special visitor… SANTA!
The snowman and the snow dog by Raymond Riggs … (4th-13th Jan 2023)
Over the next week we are sharing this story, it’s about a little boy called Billy who builds a snowman and a snow dog, the two come to life and Billy joins them on a magical adventure!
We have enjoyed designing our own snowmen and exploring the pretend snow…
Perky little penguins by Tony Mitton … (16th - 27th Jan 2023)
Perky little penguins coming out to play, looking for their play mates … here they are … hurray!
This is lovely story all about penguins playing in the snow and ice, this story links in nicely with all the wintery weather we are having.
We have been busy joining in with lots of wintery & fun penguin activities, We have also been learning a penguin dance ... waddle waddle waddle!
Did you know that it is penguin awareness day on the 20th January 2023!
Fun in the snow … (18th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed playing out in the snow, we all worked together to make a snowman, after a few discussions we decided to name him Simon! ☃️Doesn’t he look brilliant!
Making patterns in the snow… (20th January 2023)
Today we enjoyed learning how to use pipettes, when we mastered this skill we made lots of blue patterns in the snow …
Chinese New Year celebration … (23rd January 2023)
Today we have enjoyed learning all about the Chinese New Year, this year is the year of the rabbit. In Chinese culture a rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity!
What is the Chinese New Year about?
Each year, on the first new moon of the lunar calendar people start to celebrate the new year, also called the spring festival. It is a joyful festival that starts with the new moon and ends on the full moon fifteen days later. In all homes this is a time for family reunion. On New Year’s Eve a delicious banquet is prepared. On the night of the full moon lanterns are hung up in houses, parades are organised with a dancing dragon.
The perfect fit by Naomi Jones ... (30th January- 10th February 2023)
This is a beautiful story, this story is helping us to learn all about individuality and inclusion as well as learning about shapes and colours. We have been busy going on a shape hunt, we found lots and lots of different shapes! We also enjoyed making shape collages and using 2d & 3d shapes to build rockets, houses, towers …
Phonics trail ... 08/02/23
Mummy's and daddy's were invited to join us on a Phonics trail, we enjoyed going on a listening walk around forest school, making shakers, making music with musical instruments, making rhyming soup, exploring a sound box and playing 'cross the river' game.
The three little pigs … (20th Feb - 3rd March 2023)
This is a wonderful classic tale. Everyone really enjoyed listening to this story in phonics. This story inspired us to get busy making our own houses. We also had lots of fun acting out the story with our friends.
Pancake day … (21st February 2023)
Today everyone enjoyed learning how to make delicious pancakes. They tasted yummy, we can't wait to go home and tell our mums and dads all about it! Some of us are going to have a go at making some more when we get home for our tea!
People worldwide celebrate pancake day every year by embracing delicious pancake cuisine but the date on which the event falls changes annually depending on Easter.
Library van visit… (28th February 2023)
A library van came to visit Nursery today, Dawn the librarian read us lots of exciting stories! We also chose lots of books to put in our own library at Nursery, we can’t wait to read them!
World book day… (2nd March 2023)
To celebrate world book day everyone dressed up as their favourite
book character …
World book day is an annual event that began in 1995. On world book day every child in full time education is given a voucher to spend on whatever book they want, with the hope of encouraging children to read more. Reading more helps to improve vocabulary while learning new information, and enhancing their creativity in the process!
Press Here by Herve Tullet … (6th -17th March 2023)
This story takes us on a magical Journey, we have to press the yellow dot and follow the instructions. The dots multiplied, changed direction and even grew in size!
There was lots and lots of dots around nursery! We have been busy making our own dotty pictures and dotty collages and taking them on our own magical Journey's …
The odd egg by Emily Gravett … (20th - 27th March)
Our story this week is The odd egg story. This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles, also this story links nicely with Easter.
In this story all the birds eggs hatch, all except duck. When duck finds an egg of his own he is delighted! All the other birds think that it’s a very odd egg indeed!
We have been busy designing our own eggs and going on egg hunts as well as learning all about the life cycle of a chick.
Did you know that chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs!
A special delivery… (20th March 2023)
Today we received a very exciting delivery… eggs! We put the eggs in a special container called an incubator, this keeps the eggs warm and safe. We are all really curious about what could be growing inside. After listening to the odd egg story some of us think that crocodiles might hatch out!
The eggs have hatched!! (23rd March)
When we arrived at Nursery this morning we were greeted with four fluffy chicks! How exciting! We are really looking forward to taking care of them and learning all about them …
Decorate an egg for Easter … (w/c 27th March )
Everyone was invited to decorate an egg for Easter, just take a look at how
egg mazing they are …
The chicks …
We have enjoyed helping to look after the chicks and learning lots about them, haven’t they grown big!
Easter trail … (29th March)
Parents were invited to an Easter trail , we enjoyed joining in with lots of fun Easter activities such as making Easter bunny cards, going on an egg hunt, dancing along to the sleeping bunny song, painting bunny and daffodil pictures, matching egg patterns and making chocolate eggs with play dough …
Easter bunny … 31st March .
Today we received a letter from the Easter bunny, he told us that he had hidden lots of Easter eggs around the Nursery garden. We had lots of fun finding them!
The Teeny Weeny Tadpole by Sheridan Cain ( 17TH - 28th April 2023)
Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing this story. In this story every creature that the teeny weeny tadpole meets seems to be able to jump , except him. Then he meets a BIG fish, who can't jump but can swim very fast and he eats little tadpoles. What is the tadpole going to do?
This story is helping us to learn all about life cycles. Learning about life cycles is a great way to help us to understand how the world works & the life cycles of living organisms. This will help us to understand the changes that we will encounter as we grow! It will also help us to appreciate the nature & beauty of the world!
We are enjoying learning lots about frogs ... We know all about the life cycle, "Frogs start as frogspawn then they become tadpoles, soon they grow legs and become a froglet and as they grow bigger they become a frog!"
Did you know that frogs don't drink water, they absorb water through their skin!
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of froggy activities, our particular favourite was hopping around like a mad bunch of frogs!
Frogs … (24th April)
Today we enjoyed meeting some frogs, one of our friends grandma very kindly brought some in from her garden pond for us to have a look at, we enjoyed watching them jump around in the water, we even got to hold them, they felt very cold! The frogs had very long legs and they could jump really high! We also got to have a look at some tadpoles …
Eid celebration …
We have all enjoyed learning all about Eid and how they celebrate. We especially enjoyed tasting lots of different food that would be eaten during the celebrations.
frog paintings …
Look at our amazing frog paintings, don’t they look frogtastic!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
The kings coronation and the The king’s pants ... 02/05/23 - 12/05/23
Over the next few weeks we are sharing these stories …
The king’s coronation is fast approaching on the 6th May. Charles will be officially crowned King Charles lll. The crowning of the new king marks a key moment in history. A day to remember in years to come!
These stories are helping us to understand what is happening on this monumentous day.
We have enjoyed joining in with lots of ‘Royal’ activities such as designing crowns, building carriages for the king, having tea parties and using musical instruments to make music fit for a king!
King Charles Coronation party …
Everyone is really excited about the up coming Coronation party!
We dressed in red, white and blue clothes and made crowns. Everyone had lots of fun celebrating the king’s coronation, we had our very own garden party, we enjoyed eating jam and cheese sandwiches, crisp and biscuits. And then we played some party games.
Super worm by Julia Donaldson (15th- 22nd May)
We are really enjoying sharing this story … Super worm is a hero with a difference, Super worm is super long and super strong. He’s always to hand to help out all the other animals and insects, whether he’s saving baby toad from an accident, rescuing beetle from falling down a well … Never fear Super worm is here!
This story has inspired us to go on our own bug hunts, we found worms, beetles, wood lice, slugs and spiders!