Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Our Learning 2021-22

Welcome back ... (September 2021)

This week we have enjoyed re-connecting with friends and teachers and establishing new relationships after the long summer holiday ...

Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.

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Mixed ... (6th- 17th Sept 2021)

We have enjoyed listening to an inspiring story about colour. The story is called MIXED by Arree Chung. This story teaches us about difference and acceptance. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of colourful activities, we have especially enjoyed learning how to mix our own colours to create new ones ...

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SUPERTATOE by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet ... (20/09/21)

Over the next few weeks we will be joining in with lots of activities based around this story. This story is about a potato superhero that fights to save the world from an evil pea ...

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Harvest Collection ...

We are collecting food packets and tins for our Harvest collection. This will be donated to a local food bank. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. 

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Owl Babies by Martin Waddell ...( 4th Oct - 15th Oct 2021)

This week we have enjoyed sharing the Owl babies story. We have enjoyed acting out the story using puppets, making owls using play dough, making collage owls, making nests, finding out more information about them and lots lots more ...

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Stay & Play ... (w/c 4th Oct 2021)

This week our mum's and dad's have been invited to stay & play for the first hour of nursery. We have enjoyed showing them all the exciting things that we do at nursery.

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Halloweens coming ... (18th Oct - 20th Oct 2021)
This week we are thinking about Halloween we enjoyed listening to the story 'Room on the broom' by Julia Donaldson, this story has inspired us to join in with lots of spooky activities such as making magic potions, making magic wands, making broom sticks and lots lots more!

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It was a cold dark night by Tim Hopgood (1st Nov - 12th Nov 2021)

For the next few weeks we are thinking about 'It was a cold dark night' story. This story is about a hedgehog called Ned, Ned is looking for a home in the cold dark forest. He needs somewhere warm and cozy to sleep but he keeps finding the other creatures homes! Will he ever find a snug safe bed of his own?
From listening to this story it has given us lots of ideas of what sort of activities we could do ...

We used play dough to make our own Ned's and we used spaghetti to make the prickles.  We collected leaves and twigs to make Ned a cozy home and we also set up a small world area with lots of woodland puppets to help us to create our own stories ...

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Bonfire Night ... 

This week we are also learning about Bonfire night, we have enjoyed making firework patterns using glitter and sequins ...

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After school club Halloween party ... (02/11/21)

Everyone was invited to the after school club disco, we had lots of fun dancing along to spooky music and playing lots of Halloween games ...

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Dancing like a firework ... (03/11/21)

This week in music & movement we learnt all about bonfire night, we watched a clip of a firework display and then we pretended to be a firework using pom poms, scarves and ribbons. We had lots of fun whizzing, twirling, whooshing and jumping around and we even had a go at making fire work noises ... BANG, BOOM, WHIZzzzz, WEEEEE, WHOOOSH, POP!!

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Remembrance Day ... (11/11/21)

Today we have been learning all about Remembrance Day, we have been busy making poppies ...

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Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

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Children In Need ... (19/11/21)

To help to raise money for Children In Need everyone wore their spotty clothes and donated £2.00.

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How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers ... (29th Nov -10th Dec 2021)

Once there was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had his own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and he dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide & seek together. 

Over the next few weeks we will be learning lots about space, planets and about the world around us, this story provides us with lots of problem solving opportunities.
How would you catch a star?

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Fun in the snow ... (29/11/21)

Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we especially enjoyed building snowmen and snow ladies!

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Christmas is coming ...
Today the Christmas tree arrived ... Everyone enjoyed helping to decorate it. Doesn't it look amazing!

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Children In Need ... 

Well done everyone we raised £63.20 for Children In Need!


Christmas celebrations ... (6th Dec - 8th Dec 2021)

Everyone's families were invited to join us for the first hour of nursery. We enjoyed singing Christmas songs and joining in with lots of festive activities, we wrote a letter to Santa, we made a Christmas tree decoration, and we made reindeer food!

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Tea with Santa ... (08/12/21)

Everyone was invited to have tea with Santa at after school club, we all enjoyed telling him what we would like for Christmas. We enjoyed playing pass the parcel and eating lots of yummy party food ...

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Christmas Jumper Day ... (10th December 2021)

Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers to nursery today and we donated £2, all proceeds will go to 'Save the Children' charity.

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Christmas party day ... (15th Dec 2021)

Today we all had an amazing time, there were so many fun festive things to do! We enjoyed singing and dancing with Hart beeps, watching Dotty in a magic show, playing party games and eating party food, and to finish it all off a special visitor arrived (you'll never guess who!) and he dropped off lots of presents for everyone! 

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The Stick man by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler. (5th -14th January 2022)

This week we are sharing The Stick man story ...

We have been busy making our own stick man and taking them on lots of exciting adventures!

Stick man lives in the family tree with his stick lady love and their stick children three. After going on a morning jog stick man encounters a dog, who just wants to play fetch, this sparks a series of unfortunate adventures which lead him far from home. Will he ever get back to the family tree in time for Christmas?

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Lost & Found by Oliver Jeffers (17th - 28th Jan 2022)

For the next few weeks we will be sharing 'The lost & found' story ...

Once there was a sad, lonely penguin who appeared at the door of a young boy. The boy decided he must be lost, so he set off to find his home. The boy asked the lost & found office, some birds, and even his rubber duck, but no one knew where he belonged! 

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Movie night at after school club ... (19th Jan 2022)

Everyone was invited to 'Movie night' at after school club. We enjoyed making milk shakes and popcorn, we then sat down to watch the Superworm!

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There's a unicorn in my book by Tom Fletcher ... (31st Jan - 11th Feb 2022)

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing this story ...WHOOSH! a unicorn has galloped into our book, how EXCITING! But the unicorn doesn't look very excited in fact he looks worried, i wonder if you can help cheer him up?

This story has an important message about the power of friendships and how it can be helpful to share your worries with others.

We have been busy joining in with lots of unicorn activities ...

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Chinese New Year celebrations ... (09/02/2022)
Today in music & movement we learnt all about the Chinese New Year. We all had a go at making music and dancing just like a dragon ...

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After school Valentine's disco ... (9/02/2022)

Everyone was invited to a Valentine's disco, we enjoyed decorating heart shaped biscuits with icing and sprinkles and making heart shaped toast and playing lots of party games ...

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff story ...(21st Feb-4th March 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are learning lots about 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. We have been very busy joining in with lots of fun activities, We have especially enjoyed acting out the story with our friends. "TRIP TRAP, TRIP TRAP WHO'S THAT CROSSING OVER MY BRIDGE!"
We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we used different materials to build our own bridges! We worked out that the wooden blocks were the strongest and the foam bricks were not heavy enough because they blew over in the wind!

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Playing in the snow is lots of fun! ...(24th February 2022)

Today we enjoyed exploring the snow, making lots of foot prints and patterns. We also used shovels to collect as much snow as we could so that we could make a snowman, but because the snow was too slushy it wouldn't stick together very well! Never mind we still had an amazing time!

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Shrove Tuesday ... (01/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to make pancakes. We really enjoyed learning how to make them.
Mix a pancake, stir a pancake put it in a pan, toss a pancake catch it it you can!

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World Book Day ... (03/03/22)

We all dressed up as our favourite book character and listened and shared our favourite stories.

World book day was created by UNESCO on the 23rd April 1995 to celebrate books & authors and to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading.

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The ENORMOUS turnip ... (7th- 18th March 2022)

We are sharing The ENORMOUS turnip story, this story is about an elderly farmer couple who are struggling to remove an enormous turnip from the ground, eventually with lots of help they manage to pull it out! The moral of this story is about working together and if we do that we can do anything! 

We have enjoyed lots of activities based around this story such as acting out the story with our friends, putting the story characters into the correct order and planting turnips and pulling them out!

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Stay & Play ... (14th , 15th & 16th March 2022)

Our families were invited to stay & play with us for the first hour of nursery. It gave our families the opportunity to have a peek into nursery life, find out about what we have been learning in Phonics and what we get up to throughout nursery. 

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A Handful of buttons by Carmen Parets Lugue ... (21st Mar- 1st April 2022)

Families are diverse as a Handful of buttons but something that they have in common is LOVE. This story is great for introducing different families in a fun and creative way! This story is helping us to learn all about being DIFFERENT, UNIQUE & SPECIAL.

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Mother's Day ... 

This week we have been busy making our mum's a special card for Mother's day to show them how much we LOVE them. SHHH! Don't tell them yet ... it's a secret!

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A special delivery ... (21/03/22)

Today something very special arrived at nursery, when we looked inside there was six eggs! We had lots of fun sharing all ideas about what could be inside, some of us thought that it could be a dinosaur, a monster and a crocodile!  After reading some of the information that came with it we discovered that inside was ducklings! The Eggs have to stay in a special container called an incubator, this keeps them warm and safe. We are so excited to meet them, I  wonder when they will all hatch out of their eggs?

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Bunny Hop ... (23/03/22)

Everyone took part in a 'Bunny Hop' challenge to help raise money for Pendleside Hospice. This involved doing a Bunny Hop all the way around an obstacle course. Everyone received a set of bunny ears, an Easter egg and a certificate for taking part. Well done everyone! 

The hospice cares for people who have been diagnosed with cancer or any other life limiting illnesses and supports their family & carers.

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The eggs have hatched! (23/03/22)

We were all thrilled to discover that some of the eggs have hatched! We have ducklings! It was lovely meeting the! During group time we carefully took one of them out so that we could take a closer look. It felt so soft and fluffy and it was very noisy, we think it was saying HELLO!!
We are looking forward to learning lots more about them.

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Decorated eggs for Easter ... (28/03/22)

Everyone has been busy at home decorating an egg for Easter. WOW! Everyone has been very creative, they look EGGMAZING!

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After school Easter Egg Hunt ... (30/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to go on a Easter egg hunt ... 
The Easter bunny hid lots of Easter eggs in the nursery garden, we had lots of fun searching for them! After the egg hunt we sat down and we enjoyed eating hot cross buns! We then made chocolate bird nests! 

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A visit from the Easter Bunny ... (01/04/22)

We all got very excited when we received this letter from the Easter Bunny ...

Hello it's the Easter Bunny here! I have a special surprise for you. I have hidden some Easter eggs in the Nursery garden. I want you to go on an Easter egg hunt and find an egg, you will need to look carefully to find them all!
Happy Easter, Love from the Easter Bunny.

As fast as we could we searched the Nursery garden. The Easter eggs were hidden in some very unusual places such as in flower pots, behind trees and inside the garden hedges! We all worked together to find them ...

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The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle ... (19th- 29th April 2022)

Now that spring has finally arrived we are looking forward to spending more tome playing outside, Spring time is  great for spotting bugs around the nursery garden! 

Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing 'The Hungry Caterpillar' story. This story is filled with moral questions on the topics of self control, well-being, happiness and growth and change

We have been busy learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly, making our own caterpillars & butterflies, thinking about symmetrical patterns and lots lots more ...

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We have Caterpillar's! 

This Morning we received a special delivery, when we peered inside we discovered some very tiny caterpillar's! The caterpillar's are in a special container that has food in the bottom. We are looking forward to watching them grow and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly ...

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Jasper's Bean Stalk by Nick Butterworth (3rd May -13th May 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are sharing Jasper's bean story ...
Jasper plants a bean, he waits for it to grow into a bean stalk. How long will he have to wait before he can start looking for GIANTS?


We have been busy planting our own bean stalks ...

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We received a letter from the giant today ...
The GIANT set us a measuring challenge, we had to measure lots of things! The GIANT asked us to find objects that was longer and shorter than his boots! 

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Caterpillar update ... (12/03/22)

We are continuing to watch the caterpillar's very carefully, we have noticed that lots of changes have happened. The caterpillar's are getting fatter and longer. They have been very busy eating all the special food that is in the bottom of the tub. We think that they will be making a cocoon very soon

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The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony ... (16th- 27th May 2022)

For the next few weeks we are sharing The Queen's hat story ...

A sudden gust of wind sets off a exciting London adventure for the Queen, the Queens men and one very special hat. So let's follow one dare devil Queen through London Zoo, over London Tower Bridge and up Big Ben ... Just where will the hat land?


We have enjoyed learning lots about the Queen and about London, we made our own royal crowns, designed a hat for the Queen, and we recreated some of London's famous landmarks such as Buckingham palace and the London Eye! We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we had to retrieve a hat that was stuck in a tree!

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Caterpillar update ... (20/05/22)

Today we noticed a big change, the caterpillar's have made a cocoon! The Caterpillar's will stay inside their cocoon for two weeks and then when it is time to come out they will nibble their way out. We are so excited to see what happens next!

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Ballet dancing ... (25/05/22)
Today in music & movement we had a go at ballet dancing, we dressed up in some ballet clothes and we watched a clip of some ballet dancers to give us some ideas of what moves ballet dancers do. We put on some piano music and off we went ... 

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'Pants' by Giles Andreae & Nick Sharratt ... (8th- 17th June)

We are sharing the 'Pants' story. This story is helping us to learn lots about colours and pattern. As we read this book we discovered lots about different animals and people each wearing different pants!

We have been busy joining in with lots of activities we particularly enjoyed making our own patterns on underpants!

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee ...

Everyone enjoyed celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We decorated Nursery, painted portraits of the Queen and we wore red, white and blue clothes. We also had a Jubilee party at after school club.

Her Majesty The Queen is the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service!

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Butterflies ...

Whilst we were off for half term something magical happened ... 

Natalie took home the caterpillars to take care of them and a few days into the holidays she noticed that butterflies had nibbled their way out of their cocoons! The caterpillars have changed into beautiful butterflies! Natalie gave the butterflies some fruit and some sugar water to drink. All that nibbling and wriggling to get out of their cocoons is very hard work! Natalie then released them into her garden.

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Farmer duck By Martain Waddell & Helen Oxenbury ... (20th June- 1st July 2022)

There was once a lazy farmer who spends his days in bed eating chocolate while his duck did all the work around the farm. One day the animals decide it is time to put a stop to it by hatching up a plan.

This story is great for learning all about the importance of teamwork and caring for one another.

We have been busy doing lots of activities based around the farm, we have been building tractors, drawing pictures of farm animals, setting up a small world farm and visiting a farm. The Farm visit helped us to learn more about the animals and how to take care of them as well as TEAM WORK. Everyone on the farm all worked together just like the animals did in the farmer duck story! 

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Smithhills Farm visit ... (21st & 23rd June 2022)

We had an amazing time visiting Smithhills farm. We learnt all about the different animals that live there, we got the opportunity to feed and touch them, we were able to bottle feed the lambs and the goats! We also enjoyed going on a very bumpy tractor and donkey ride!

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Farmyard Hullabaloo ...

We are continuing along the 'farm animal' theme and our next book that we are sharing is called Farmyard Hullabaloo by Martain Waddell. This book is full of noisy farm animals that go on lots of exciting farmyard adventures  just like the farm animals that we saw on the farm trip!
This story also contains lots of rhyming words.

4th-15th July 2022.

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Stay & play ... (27th & 28th June 2022)

Our families were invited to join us for the first hour of Nursery. We had lots of fun sharing some of our favourite activities with them ...

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The colour Monster goes to school by Anna Llenas ... (18th-22nd July)

Our final book for this term is The colour Monster goes to school ...

The colour monster is heading off to school, but what exactly is school? A spooky castle filled with terrifying animals? A place in the sky, amongst the rainbows and clouds?
Lots of children are off to school in September so this book is great for helping us to learn more about what 'big' school is all about. 

We have been busy joining in with lots of colour monster activities, our particular favourite was creating our own colour monsters!

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Teddy bear's picnic ... (20th July 2022)

Today all the children that are leaving Nursery to start school in September were invited to bring in their bears for a teddy bears picnic. Mum's and dad's were also invited. We all had a lovely time eating lots of yummy food, sharing our learning journey's and chatting about all the things that we have enjoyed doing at Nursery. 

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Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Our Learning 2021-22

Welcome back ... (September 2021)

This week we have enjoyed re-connecting with friends and teachers and establishing new relationships after the long summer holiday ...

Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.

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Mixed ... (6th- 17th Sept 2021)

We have enjoyed listening to an inspiring story about colour. The story is called MIXED by Arree Chung. This story teaches us about difference and acceptance. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of colourful activities, we have especially enjoyed learning how to mix our own colours to create new ones ...

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SUPERTATOE by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet ... (20/09/21)

Over the next few weeks we will be joining in with lots of activities based around this story. This story is about a potato superhero that fights to save the world from an evil pea ...

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Harvest Collection ...

We are collecting food packets and tins for our Harvest collection. This will be donated to a local food bank. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. 

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Owl Babies by Martin Waddell ...( 4th Oct - 15th Oct 2021)

This week we have enjoyed sharing the Owl babies story. We have enjoyed acting out the story using puppets, making owls using play dough, making collage owls, making nests, finding out more information about them and lots lots more ...

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Stay & Play ... (w/c 4th Oct 2021)

This week our mum's and dad's have been invited to stay & play for the first hour of nursery. We have enjoyed showing them all the exciting things that we do at nursery.

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Halloweens coming ... (18th Oct - 20th Oct 2021)
This week we are thinking about Halloween we enjoyed listening to the story 'Room on the broom' by Julia Donaldson, this story has inspired us to join in with lots of spooky activities such as making magic potions, making magic wands, making broom sticks and lots lots more!

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It was a cold dark night by Tim Hopgood (1st Nov - 12th Nov 2021)

For the next few weeks we are thinking about 'It was a cold dark night' story. This story is about a hedgehog called Ned, Ned is looking for a home in the cold dark forest. He needs somewhere warm and cozy to sleep but he keeps finding the other creatures homes! Will he ever find a snug safe bed of his own?
From listening to this story it has given us lots of ideas of what sort of activities we could do ...

We used play dough to make our own Ned's and we used spaghetti to make the prickles.  We collected leaves and twigs to make Ned a cozy home and we also set up a small world area with lots of woodland puppets to help us to create our own stories ...

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Bonfire Night ... 

This week we are also learning about Bonfire night, we have enjoyed making firework patterns using glitter and sequins ...

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After school club Halloween party ... (02/11/21)

Everyone was invited to the after school club disco, we had lots of fun dancing along to spooky music and playing lots of Halloween games ...

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Dancing like a firework ... (03/11/21)

This week in music & movement we learnt all about bonfire night, we watched a clip of a firework display and then we pretended to be a firework using pom poms, scarves and ribbons. We had lots of fun whizzing, twirling, whooshing and jumping around and we even had a go at making fire work noises ... BANG, BOOM, WHIZzzzz, WEEEEE, WHOOOSH, POP!!

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Remembrance Day ... (11/11/21)

Today we have been learning all about Remembrance Day, we have been busy making poppies ...

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Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

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Children In Need ... (19/11/21)

To help to raise money for Children In Need everyone wore their spotty clothes and donated £2.00.

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How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers ... (29th Nov -10th Dec 2021)

Once there was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had his own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and he dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide & seek together. 

Over the next few weeks we will be learning lots about space, planets and about the world around us, this story provides us with lots of problem solving opportunities.
How would you catch a star?

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Fun in the snow ... (29/11/21)

Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we especially enjoyed building snowmen and snow ladies!

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Christmas is coming ...
Today the Christmas tree arrived ... Everyone enjoyed helping to decorate it. Doesn't it look amazing!

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Children In Need ... 

Well done everyone we raised £63.20 for Children In Need!


Christmas celebrations ... (6th Dec - 8th Dec 2021)

Everyone's families were invited to join us for the first hour of nursery. We enjoyed singing Christmas songs and joining in with lots of festive activities, we wrote a letter to Santa, we made a Christmas tree decoration, and we made reindeer food!

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Tea with Santa ... (08/12/21)

Everyone was invited to have tea with Santa at after school club, we all enjoyed telling him what we would like for Christmas. We enjoyed playing pass the parcel and eating lots of yummy party food ...

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Christmas Jumper Day ... (10th December 2021)

Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers to nursery today and we donated £2, all proceeds will go to 'Save the Children' charity.

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Christmas party day ... (15th Dec 2021)

Today we all had an amazing time, there were so many fun festive things to do! We enjoyed singing and dancing with Hart beeps, watching Dotty in a magic show, playing party games and eating party food, and to finish it all off a special visitor arrived (you'll never guess who!) and he dropped off lots of presents for everyone! 

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The Stick man by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler. (5th -14th January 2022)

This week we are sharing The Stick man story ...

We have been busy making our own stick man and taking them on lots of exciting adventures!

Stick man lives in the family tree with his stick lady love and their stick children three. After going on a morning jog stick man encounters a dog, who just wants to play fetch, this sparks a series of unfortunate adventures which lead him far from home. Will he ever get back to the family tree in time for Christmas?

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Lost & Found by Oliver Jeffers (17th - 28th Jan 2022)

For the next few weeks we will be sharing 'The lost & found' story ...

Once there was a sad, lonely penguin who appeared at the door of a young boy. The boy decided he must be lost, so he set off to find his home. The boy asked the lost & found office, some birds, and even his rubber duck, but no one knew where he belonged! 

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Movie night at after school club ... (19th Jan 2022)

Everyone was invited to 'Movie night' at after school club. We enjoyed making milk shakes and popcorn, we then sat down to watch the Superworm!

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There's a unicorn in my book by Tom Fletcher ... (31st Jan - 11th Feb 2022)

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing this story ...WHOOSH! a unicorn has galloped into our book, how EXCITING! But the unicorn doesn't look very excited in fact he looks worried, i wonder if you can help cheer him up?

This story has an important message about the power of friendships and how it can be helpful to share your worries with others.

We have been busy joining in with lots of unicorn activities ...

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Chinese New Year celebrations ... (09/02/2022)
Today in music & movement we learnt all about the Chinese New Year. We all had a go at making music and dancing just like a dragon ...

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After school Valentine's disco ... (9/02/2022)

Everyone was invited to a Valentine's disco, we enjoyed decorating heart shaped biscuits with icing and sprinkles and making heart shaped toast and playing lots of party games ...

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff story ...(21st Feb-4th March 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are learning lots about 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. We have been very busy joining in with lots of fun activities, We have especially enjoyed acting out the story with our friends. "TRIP TRAP, TRIP TRAP WHO'S THAT CROSSING OVER MY BRIDGE!"
We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we used different materials to build our own bridges! We worked out that the wooden blocks were the strongest and the foam bricks were not heavy enough because they blew over in the wind!

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Playing in the snow is lots of fun! ...(24th February 2022)

Today we enjoyed exploring the snow, making lots of foot prints and patterns. We also used shovels to collect as much snow as we could so that we could make a snowman, but because the snow was too slushy it wouldn't stick together very well! Never mind we still had an amazing time!

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Shrove Tuesday ... (01/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to make pancakes. We really enjoyed learning how to make them.
Mix a pancake, stir a pancake put it in a pan, toss a pancake catch it it you can!

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World Book Day ... (03/03/22)

We all dressed up as our favourite book character and listened and shared our favourite stories.

World book day was created by UNESCO on the 23rd April 1995 to celebrate books & authors and to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading.

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The ENORMOUS turnip ... (7th- 18th March 2022)

We are sharing The ENORMOUS turnip story, this story is about an elderly farmer couple who are struggling to remove an enormous turnip from the ground, eventually with lots of help they manage to pull it out! The moral of this story is about working together and if we do that we can do anything! 

We have enjoyed lots of activities based around this story such as acting out the story with our friends, putting the story characters into the correct order and planting turnips and pulling them out!

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Stay & Play ... (14th , 15th & 16th March 2022)

Our families were invited to stay & play with us for the first hour of nursery. It gave our families the opportunity to have a peek into nursery life, find out about what we have been learning in Phonics and what we get up to throughout nursery. 

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A Handful of buttons by Carmen Parets Lugue ... (21st Mar- 1st April 2022)

Families are diverse as a Handful of buttons but something that they have in common is LOVE. This story is great for introducing different families in a fun and creative way! This story is helping us to learn all about being DIFFERENT, UNIQUE & SPECIAL.

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Mother's Day ... 

This week we have been busy making our mum's a special card for Mother's day to show them how much we LOVE them. SHHH! Don't tell them yet ... it's a secret!

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A special delivery ... (21/03/22)

Today something very special arrived at nursery, when we looked inside there was six eggs! We had lots of fun sharing all ideas about what could be inside, some of us thought that it could be a dinosaur, a monster and a crocodile!  After reading some of the information that came with it we discovered that inside was ducklings! The Eggs have to stay in a special container called an incubator, this keeps them warm and safe. We are so excited to meet them, I  wonder when they will all hatch out of their eggs?

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Bunny Hop ... (23/03/22)

Everyone took part in a 'Bunny Hop' challenge to help raise money for Pendleside Hospice. This involved doing a Bunny Hop all the way around an obstacle course. Everyone received a set of bunny ears, an Easter egg and a certificate for taking part. Well done everyone! 

The hospice cares for people who have been diagnosed with cancer or any other life limiting illnesses and supports their family & carers.

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The eggs have hatched! (23/03/22)

We were all thrilled to discover that some of the eggs have hatched! We have ducklings! It was lovely meeting the! During group time we carefully took one of them out so that we could take a closer look. It felt so soft and fluffy and it was very noisy, we think it was saying HELLO!!
We are looking forward to learning lots more about them.

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Decorated eggs for Easter ... (28/03/22)

Everyone has been busy at home decorating an egg for Easter. WOW! Everyone has been very creative, they look EGGMAZING!

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After school Easter Egg Hunt ... (30/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to go on a Easter egg hunt ... 
The Easter bunny hid lots of Easter eggs in the nursery garden, we had lots of fun searching for them! After the egg hunt we sat down and we enjoyed eating hot cross buns! We then made chocolate bird nests! 

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A visit from the Easter Bunny ... (01/04/22)

We all got very excited when we received this letter from the Easter Bunny ...

Hello it's the Easter Bunny here! I have a special surprise for you. I have hidden some Easter eggs in the Nursery garden. I want you to go on an Easter egg hunt and find an egg, you will need to look carefully to find them all!
Happy Easter, Love from the Easter Bunny.

As fast as we could we searched the Nursery garden. The Easter eggs were hidden in some very unusual places such as in flower pots, behind trees and inside the garden hedges! We all worked together to find them ...

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The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle ... (19th- 29th April 2022)

Now that spring has finally arrived we are looking forward to spending more tome playing outside, Spring time is  great for spotting bugs around the nursery garden! 

Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing 'The Hungry Caterpillar' story. This story is filled with moral questions on the topics of self control, well-being, happiness and growth and change

We have been busy learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly, making our own caterpillars & butterflies, thinking about symmetrical patterns and lots lots more ...

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We have Caterpillar's! 

This Morning we received a special delivery, when we peered inside we discovered some very tiny caterpillar's! The caterpillar's are in a special container that has food in the bottom. We are looking forward to watching them grow and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly ...

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Jasper's Bean Stalk by Nick Butterworth (3rd May -13th May 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are sharing Jasper's bean story ...
Jasper plants a bean, he waits for it to grow into a bean stalk. How long will he have to wait before he can start looking for GIANTS?


We have been busy planting our own bean stalks ...

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We received a letter from the giant today ...
The GIANT set us a measuring challenge, we had to measure lots of things! The GIANT asked us to find objects that was longer and shorter than his boots! 

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Caterpillar update ... (12/03/22)

We are continuing to watch the caterpillar's very carefully, we have noticed that lots of changes have happened. The caterpillar's are getting fatter and longer. They have been very busy eating all the special food that is in the bottom of the tub. We think that they will be making a cocoon very soon

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The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony ... (16th- 27th May 2022)

For the next few weeks we are sharing The Queen's hat story ...

A sudden gust of wind sets off a exciting London adventure for the Queen, the Queens men and one very special hat. So let's follow one dare devil Queen through London Zoo, over London Tower Bridge and up Big Ben ... Just where will the hat land?


We have enjoyed learning lots about the Queen and about London, we made our own royal crowns, designed a hat for the Queen, and we recreated some of London's famous landmarks such as Buckingham palace and the London Eye! We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we had to retrieve a hat that was stuck in a tree!

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Caterpillar update ... (20/05/22)

Today we noticed a big change, the caterpillar's have made a cocoon! The Caterpillar's will stay inside their cocoon for two weeks and then when it is time to come out they will nibble their way out. We are so excited to see what happens next!

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Ballet dancing ... (25/05/22)
Today in music & movement we had a go at ballet dancing, we dressed up in some ballet clothes and we watched a clip of some ballet dancers to give us some ideas of what moves ballet dancers do. We put on some piano music and off we went ... 

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'Pants' by Giles Andreae & Nick Sharratt ... (8th- 17th June)

We are sharing the 'Pants' story. This story is helping us to learn lots about colours and pattern. As we read this book we discovered lots about different animals and people each wearing different pants!

We have been busy joining in with lots of activities we particularly enjoyed making our own patterns on underpants!

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee ...

Everyone enjoyed celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We decorated Nursery, painted portraits of the Queen and we wore red, white and blue clothes. We also had a Jubilee party at after school club.

Her Majesty The Queen is the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service!

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Butterflies ...

Whilst we were off for half term something magical happened ... 

Natalie took home the caterpillars to take care of them and a few days into the holidays she noticed that butterflies had nibbled their way out of their cocoons! The caterpillars have changed into beautiful butterflies! Natalie gave the butterflies some fruit and some sugar water to drink. All that nibbling and wriggling to get out of their cocoons is very hard work! Natalie then released them into her garden.

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Farmer duck By Martain Waddell & Helen Oxenbury ... (20th June- 1st July 2022)

There was once a lazy farmer who spends his days in bed eating chocolate while his duck did all the work around the farm. One day the animals decide it is time to put a stop to it by hatching up a plan.

This story is great for learning all about the importance of teamwork and caring for one another.

We have been busy doing lots of activities based around the farm, we have been building tractors, drawing pictures of farm animals, setting up a small world farm and visiting a farm. The Farm visit helped us to learn more about the animals and how to take care of them as well as TEAM WORK. Everyone on the farm all worked together just like the animals did in the farmer duck story! 

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Smithhills Farm visit ... (21st & 23rd June 2022)

We had an amazing time visiting Smithhills farm. We learnt all about the different animals that live there, we got the opportunity to feed and touch them, we were able to bottle feed the lambs and the goats! We also enjoyed going on a very bumpy tractor and donkey ride!

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Farmyard Hullabaloo ...

We are continuing along the 'farm animal' theme and our next book that we are sharing is called Farmyard Hullabaloo by Martain Waddell. This book is full of noisy farm animals that go on lots of exciting farmyard adventures  just like the farm animals that we saw on the farm trip!
This story also contains lots of rhyming words.

4th-15th July 2022.

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Stay & play ... (27th & 28th June 2022)

Our families were invited to join us for the first hour of Nursery. We had lots of fun sharing some of our favourite activities with them ...

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The colour Monster goes to school by Anna Llenas ... (18th-22nd July)

Our final book for this term is The colour Monster goes to school ...

The colour monster is heading off to school, but what exactly is school? A spooky castle filled with terrifying animals? A place in the sky, amongst the rainbows and clouds?
Lots of children are off to school in September so this book is great for helping us to learn more about what 'big' school is all about. 

We have been busy joining in with lots of colour monster activities, our particular favourite was creating our own colour monsters!

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Teddy bear's picnic ... (20th July 2022)

Today all the children that are leaving Nursery to start school in September were invited to bring in their bears for a teddy bears picnic. Mum's and dad's were also invited. We all had a lovely time eating lots of yummy food, sharing our learning journey's and chatting about all the things that we have enjoyed doing at Nursery. 

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Havelock Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6AJ
01282 436928

Our Learning 2021-22

Welcome back ... (September 2021)

This week we have enjoyed re-connecting with friends and teachers and establishing new relationships after the long summer holiday ...

Every week we read a special story called a 'core book'. We read the story to help us to learn about the characters and we answer lots of questions to help us to understand the story. When we have read the book, there are lots of fun things to do about the story and the characters. This helps us to learn in all areas of the curriculum.

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Mixed ... (6th- 17th Sept 2021)

We have enjoyed listening to an inspiring story about colour. The story is called MIXED by Arree Chung. This story teaches us about difference and acceptance. We have enjoyed joining in with lots of colourful activities, we have especially enjoyed learning how to mix our own colours to create new ones ...

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SUPERTATOE by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet ... (20/09/21)

Over the next few weeks we will be joining in with lots of activities based around this story. This story is about a potato superhero that fights to save the world from an evil pea ...

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Harvest Collection ...

We are collecting food packets and tins for our Harvest collection. This will be donated to a local food bank. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. 

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Owl Babies by Martin Waddell ...( 4th Oct - 15th Oct 2021)

This week we have enjoyed sharing the Owl babies story. We have enjoyed acting out the story using puppets, making owls using play dough, making collage owls, making nests, finding out more information about them and lots lots more ...

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Stay & Play ... (w/c 4th Oct 2021)

This week our mum's and dad's have been invited to stay & play for the first hour of nursery. We have enjoyed showing them all the exciting things that we do at nursery.

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Halloweens coming ... (18th Oct - 20th Oct 2021)
This week we are thinking about Halloween we enjoyed listening to the story 'Room on the broom' by Julia Donaldson, this story has inspired us to join in with lots of spooky activities such as making magic potions, making magic wands, making broom sticks and lots lots more!

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It was a cold dark night by Tim Hopgood (1st Nov - 12th Nov 2021)

For the next few weeks we are thinking about 'It was a cold dark night' story. This story is about a hedgehog called Ned, Ned is looking for a home in the cold dark forest. He needs somewhere warm and cozy to sleep but he keeps finding the other creatures homes! Will he ever find a snug safe bed of his own?
From listening to this story it has given us lots of ideas of what sort of activities we could do ...

We used play dough to make our own Ned's and we used spaghetti to make the prickles.  We collected leaves and twigs to make Ned a cozy home and we also set up a small world area with lots of woodland puppets to help us to create our own stories ...

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Bonfire Night ... 

This week we are also learning about Bonfire night, we have enjoyed making firework patterns using glitter and sequins ...

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After school club Halloween party ... (02/11/21)

Everyone was invited to the after school club disco, we had lots of fun dancing along to spooky music and playing lots of Halloween games ...

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Dancing like a firework ... (03/11/21)

This week in music & movement we learnt all about bonfire night, we watched a clip of a firework display and then we pretended to be a firework using pom poms, scarves and ribbons. We had lots of fun whizzing, twirling, whooshing and jumping around and we even had a go at making fire work noises ... BANG, BOOM, WHIZzzzz, WEEEEE, WHOOOSH, POP!!

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Remembrance Day ... (11/11/21)

Today we have been learning all about Remembrance Day, we have been busy making poppies ...

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Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert ... ( 15th -26th Nov 2021)

We have been learning lots about Autumn this is supported by the Leaf man story . The leaf man follows a group of autumn leaves as they are blown by the wind over fields, past orchids, through meadows and across lakes and rivers. This book is great to learn all about autumn! We have enjoyed collecting leaves and making our own leaf man, we have also enjoyed using the leaves to make autumn collages as well as lots more autumn activities ...

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Children In Need ... (19/11/21)

To help to raise money for Children In Need everyone wore their spotty clothes and donated £2.00.

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How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers ... (29th Nov -10th Dec 2021)

Once there was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had his own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and he dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide & seek together. 

Over the next few weeks we will be learning lots about space, planets and about the world around us, this story provides us with lots of problem solving opportunities.
How would you catch a star?

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Fun in the snow ... (29/11/21)

Today we had lots of fun playing out in the snow, we especially enjoyed building snowmen and snow ladies!

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Christmas is coming ...
Today the Christmas tree arrived ... Everyone enjoyed helping to decorate it. Doesn't it look amazing!

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Children In Need ... 

Well done everyone we raised £63.20 for Children In Need!


Christmas celebrations ... (6th Dec - 8th Dec 2021)

Everyone's families were invited to join us for the first hour of nursery. We enjoyed singing Christmas songs and joining in with lots of festive activities, we wrote a letter to Santa, we made a Christmas tree decoration, and we made reindeer food!

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Tea with Santa ... (08/12/21)

Everyone was invited to have tea with Santa at after school club, we all enjoyed telling him what we would like for Christmas. We enjoyed playing pass the parcel and eating lots of yummy party food ...

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Christmas Jumper Day ... (10th December 2021)

Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers to nursery today and we donated £2, all proceeds will go to 'Save the Children' charity.

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Christmas party day ... (15th Dec 2021)

Today we all had an amazing time, there were so many fun festive things to do! We enjoyed singing and dancing with Hart beeps, watching Dotty in a magic show, playing party games and eating party food, and to finish it all off a special visitor arrived (you'll never guess who!) and he dropped off lots of presents for everyone! 

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The Stick man by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler. (5th -14th January 2022)

This week we are sharing The Stick man story ...

We have been busy making our own stick man and taking them on lots of exciting adventures!

Stick man lives in the family tree with his stick lady love and their stick children three. After going on a morning jog stick man encounters a dog, who just wants to play fetch, this sparks a series of unfortunate adventures which lead him far from home. Will he ever get back to the family tree in time for Christmas?

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Lost & Found by Oliver Jeffers (17th - 28th Jan 2022)

For the next few weeks we will be sharing 'The lost & found' story ...

Once there was a sad, lonely penguin who appeared at the door of a young boy. The boy decided he must be lost, so he set off to find his home. The boy asked the lost & found office, some birds, and even his rubber duck, but no one knew where he belonged! 

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Movie night at after school club ... (19th Jan 2022)

Everyone was invited to 'Movie night' at after school club. We enjoyed making milk shakes and popcorn, we then sat down to watch the Superworm!

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There's a unicorn in my book by Tom Fletcher ... (31st Jan - 11th Feb 2022)

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing this story ...WHOOSH! a unicorn has galloped into our book, how EXCITING! But the unicorn doesn't look very excited in fact he looks worried, i wonder if you can help cheer him up?

This story has an important message about the power of friendships and how it can be helpful to share your worries with others.

We have been busy joining in with lots of unicorn activities ...

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Chinese New Year celebrations ... (09/02/2022)
Today in music & movement we learnt all about the Chinese New Year. We all had a go at making music and dancing just like a dragon ...

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After school Valentine's disco ... (9/02/2022)

Everyone was invited to a Valentine's disco, we enjoyed decorating heart shaped biscuits with icing and sprinkles and making heart shaped toast and playing lots of party games ...

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff story ...(21st Feb-4th March 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are learning lots about 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. We have been very busy joining in with lots of fun activities, We have especially enjoyed acting out the story with our friends. "TRIP TRAP, TRIP TRAP WHO'S THAT CROSSING OVER MY BRIDGE!"
We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we used different materials to build our own bridges! We worked out that the wooden blocks were the strongest and the foam bricks were not heavy enough because they blew over in the wind!

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Playing in the snow is lots of fun! ...(24th February 2022)

Today we enjoyed exploring the snow, making lots of foot prints and patterns. We also used shovels to collect as much snow as we could so that we could make a snowman, but because the snow was too slushy it wouldn't stick together very well! Never mind we still had an amazing time!

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Shrove Tuesday ... (01/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to make pancakes. We really enjoyed learning how to make them.
Mix a pancake, stir a pancake put it in a pan, toss a pancake catch it it you can!

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World Book Day ... (03/03/22)

We all dressed up as our favourite book character and listened and shared our favourite stories.

World book day was created by UNESCO on the 23rd April 1995 to celebrate books & authors and to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading.

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The ENORMOUS turnip ... (7th- 18th March 2022)

We are sharing The ENORMOUS turnip story, this story is about an elderly farmer couple who are struggling to remove an enormous turnip from the ground, eventually with lots of help they manage to pull it out! The moral of this story is about working together and if we do that we can do anything! 

We have enjoyed lots of activities based around this story such as acting out the story with our friends, putting the story characters into the correct order and planting turnips and pulling them out!

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Stay & Play ... (14th , 15th & 16th March 2022)

Our families were invited to stay & play with us for the first hour of nursery. It gave our families the opportunity to have a peek into nursery life, find out about what we have been learning in Phonics and what we get up to throughout nursery. 

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A Handful of buttons by Carmen Parets Lugue ... (21st Mar- 1st April 2022)

Families are diverse as a Handful of buttons but something that they have in common is LOVE. This story is great for introducing different families in a fun and creative way! This story is helping us to learn all about being DIFFERENT, UNIQUE & SPECIAL.

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Mother's Day ... 

This week we have been busy making our mum's a special card for Mother's day to show them how much we LOVE them. SHHH! Don't tell them yet ... it's a secret!

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A special delivery ... (21/03/22)

Today something very special arrived at nursery, when we looked inside there was six eggs! We had lots of fun sharing all ideas about what could be inside, some of us thought that it could be a dinosaur, a monster and a crocodile!  After reading some of the information that came with it we discovered that inside was ducklings! The Eggs have to stay in a special container called an incubator, this keeps them warm and safe. We are so excited to meet them, I  wonder when they will all hatch out of their eggs?

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Bunny Hop ... (23/03/22)

Everyone took part in a 'Bunny Hop' challenge to help raise money for Pendleside Hospice. This involved doing a Bunny Hop all the way around an obstacle course. Everyone received a set of bunny ears, an Easter egg and a certificate for taking part. Well done everyone! 

The hospice cares for people who have been diagnosed with cancer or any other life limiting illnesses and supports their family & carers.

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The eggs have hatched! (23/03/22)

We were all thrilled to discover that some of the eggs have hatched! We have ducklings! It was lovely meeting the! During group time we carefully took one of them out so that we could take a closer look. It felt so soft and fluffy and it was very noisy, we think it was saying HELLO!!
We are looking forward to learning lots more about them.

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Decorated eggs for Easter ... (28/03/22)

Everyone has been busy at home decorating an egg for Easter. WOW! Everyone has been very creative, they look EGGMAZING!

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After school Easter Egg Hunt ... (30/03/22)

Everyone was invited to join after school club to go on a Easter egg hunt ... 
The Easter bunny hid lots of Easter eggs in the nursery garden, we had lots of fun searching for them! After the egg hunt we sat down and we enjoyed eating hot cross buns! We then made chocolate bird nests! 

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A visit from the Easter Bunny ... (01/04/22)

We all got very excited when we received this letter from the Easter Bunny ...

Hello it's the Easter Bunny here! I have a special surprise for you. I have hidden some Easter eggs in the Nursery garden. I want you to go on an Easter egg hunt and find an egg, you will need to look carefully to find them all!
Happy Easter, Love from the Easter Bunny.

As fast as we could we searched the Nursery garden. The Easter eggs were hidden in some very unusual places such as in flower pots, behind trees and inside the garden hedges! We all worked together to find them ...

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The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle ... (19th- 29th April 2022)

Now that spring has finally arrived we are looking forward to spending more tome playing outside, Spring time is  great for spotting bugs around the nursery garden! 

Over the next couple of weeks we are sharing 'The Hungry Caterpillar' story. This story is filled with moral questions on the topics of self control, well-being, happiness and growth and change

We have been busy learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly, making our own caterpillars & butterflies, thinking about symmetrical patterns and lots lots more ...

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We have Caterpillar's! 

This Morning we received a special delivery, when we peered inside we discovered some very tiny caterpillar's! The caterpillar's are in a special container that has food in the bottom. We are looking forward to watching them grow and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly ...

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Jasper's Bean Stalk by Nick Butterworth (3rd May -13th May 2022)

Over the next few weeks we are sharing Jasper's bean story ...
Jasper plants a bean, he waits for it to grow into a bean stalk. How long will he have to wait before he can start looking for GIANTS?


We have been busy planting our own bean stalks ...

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We received a letter from the giant today ...
The GIANT set us a measuring challenge, we had to measure lots of things! The GIANT asked us to find objects that was longer and shorter than his boots! 

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Caterpillar update ... (12/03/22)

We are continuing to watch the caterpillar's very carefully, we have noticed that lots of changes have happened. The caterpillar's are getting fatter and longer. They have been very busy eating all the special food that is in the bottom of the tub. We think that they will be making a cocoon very soon

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The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony ... (16th- 27th May 2022)

For the next few weeks we are sharing The Queen's hat story ...

A sudden gust of wind sets off a exciting London adventure for the Queen, the Queens men and one very special hat. So let's follow one dare devil Queen through London Zoo, over London Tower Bridge and up Big Ben ... Just where will the hat land?


We have enjoyed learning lots about the Queen and about London, we made our own royal crowns, designed a hat for the Queen, and we recreated some of London's famous landmarks such as Buckingham palace and the London Eye! We also put our problem solving skills to the test when we had to retrieve a hat that was stuck in a tree!

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Caterpillar update ... (20/05/22)

Today we noticed a big change, the caterpillar's have made a cocoon! The Caterpillar's will stay inside their cocoon for two weeks and then when it is time to come out they will nibble their way out. We are so excited to see what happens next!

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Ballet dancing ... (25/05/22)
Today in music & movement we had a go at ballet dancing, we dressed up in some ballet clothes and we watched a clip of some ballet dancers to give us some ideas of what moves ballet dancers do. We put on some piano music and off we went ... 

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'Pants' by Giles Andreae & Nick Sharratt ... (8th- 17th June)

We are sharing the 'Pants' story. This story is helping us to learn lots about colours and pattern. As we read this book we discovered lots about different animals and people each wearing different pants!

We have been busy joining in with lots of activities we particularly enjoyed making our own patterns on underpants!

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee ...

Everyone enjoyed celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We decorated Nursery, painted portraits of the Queen and we wore red, white and blue clothes. We also had a Jubilee party at after school club.

Her Majesty The Queen is the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service!

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Butterflies ...

Whilst we were off for half term something magical happened ... 

Natalie took home the caterpillars to take care of them and a few days into the holidays she noticed that butterflies had nibbled their way out of their cocoons! The caterpillars have changed into beautiful butterflies! Natalie gave the butterflies some fruit and some sugar water to drink. All that nibbling and wriggling to get out of their cocoons is very hard work! Natalie then released them into her garden.

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Farmer duck By Martain Waddell & Helen Oxenbury ... (20th June- 1st July 2022)

There was once a lazy farmer who spends his days in bed eating chocolate while his duck did all the work around the farm. One day the animals decide it is time to put a stop to it by hatching up a plan.

This story is great for learning all about the importance of teamwork and caring for one another.

We have been busy doing lots of activities based around the farm, we have been building tractors, drawing pictures of farm animals, setting up a small world farm and visiting a farm. The Farm visit helped us to learn more about the animals and how to take care of them as well as TEAM WORK. Everyone on the farm all worked together just like the animals did in the farmer duck story! 

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Smithhills Farm visit ... (21st & 23rd June 2022)

We had an amazing time visiting Smithhills farm. We learnt all about the different animals that live there, we got the opportunity to feed and touch them, we were able to bottle feed the lambs and the goats! We also enjoyed going on a very bumpy tractor and donkey ride!

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Farmyard Hullabaloo ...

We are continuing along the 'farm animal' theme and our next book that we are sharing is called Farmyard Hullabaloo by Martain Waddell. This book is full of noisy farm animals that go on lots of exciting farmyard adventures  just like the farm animals that we saw on the farm trip!
This story also contains lots of rhyming words.

4th-15th July 2022.

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Stay & play ... (27th & 28th June 2022)

Our families were invited to join us for the first hour of Nursery. We had lots of fun sharing some of our favourite activities with them ...

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The colour Monster goes to school by Anna Llenas ... (18th-22nd July)

Our final book for this term is The colour Monster goes to school ...

The colour monster is heading off to school, but what exactly is school? A spooky castle filled with terrifying animals? A place in the sky, amongst the rainbows and clouds?
Lots of children are off to school in September so this book is great for helping us to learn more about what 'big' school is all about. 

We have been busy joining in with lots of colour monster activities, our particular favourite was creating our own colour monsters!

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Teddy bear's picnic ... (20th July 2022)

Today all the children that are leaving Nursery to start school in September were invited to bring in their bears for a teddy bears picnic. Mum's and dad's were also invited. We all had a lovely time eating lots of yummy food, sharing our learning journey's and chatting about all the things that we have enjoyed doing at Nursery. 

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